年初聽了一整個月的鄉村音樂,從中知道了一部紀錄片《Heartworn Highways》,記述七〇年代中期德州、田納西州的鄉村音樂場景,特別聚焦於幾位「叛道鄉村」(outlaw country)運動的發起者。這片子我還沒看過,但 YouTube 上有個片段卻讓我愛不釋手,那是 Townes Van Zandt 彈唱著他最有名的歌〈Pancho and Lefty〉(DVD 封面即為此景):
說有名也不盡然,因為這首歌最早發表於 1972 年他的專輯《The Late Great Townes Van Zandt》,我 Day 20 就是聽這張。怎料歌不紅人也不紅,一直要到 11 年後兩位鄉村前輩明星 Willie Nelson 和 Merle Haggard 聯手翻唱、直取鄉村榜冠軍並成為 Townes 創作的第一首冠軍曲之後,才讓此曲躍身經典之林。無奈現實逼人,依然惠了翻唱而非原唱,Townes 只得繼續走唱度日,年復一年。
有趣的是,在這段影片下方留言中,有一個叫 "Yung Un" 的人說道:
Townes is one of several that I was privileged to see shortly prior to his demise, along with Gregg Allman and John Prine. In the summer of 1996, a friend and I saw Townes at a venue in small town South Carolina. He was in delirium tremens and did not seem well at all. Shortly into his second set he said "F*** it" and left the stage. I felt sorry for him...