更新於 2023/07/24閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

人類學觀察 | 近距離接觸過的外來種生物之一 (中英對照)

一位善於與陌生人爭辯的友人說:「我就會回他:『總好過你們中國人讓中文退化吧? 中國會把繁體改成簡體是因為你們當年太多農民不識字,把字改簡單了是為了提高全民基本文化水平。』」
I come across many Chinese in South Africa, some of them are nice and polite, but many more of them are 'unexpectedly-different-from-Taiwanese', so I call them 'the alien species'. The level of unbelievableness they cause are usually out of one's imagination. I would like to record each of them down like it's a field observation of cultural anthropology.
I was a check-in agent at an airport at my first job. The Chinese travellers like to ask me 'Where are you from?' when they noticed I also speak Mandarin. On that day, as soon as that man heard my reply saying 'I am a Taiwanese', I should have put up a shield preparing for a fight when he showed the subtle expression of despisement.
'The Mandarin in Taiwan has never been upgraded in decades!', he said.
I'm usually awkward in speech and not good in confrontation, so I decided to reply with silence and pretended I did not notice how provocative the comment was, even he thought he was very civilised.
A friend who is very good in confronting any strangers said, 'I would say to him, "Well, it is better than you, Chinese, downgraded Mandarin. Chinese government converted traditional writing to simplified beacuse there were too many illiterate farmers, so the purpose was to elevate the literacy level in the country"'.
How would you respond if it was you?
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