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I know you're always there.
When I was displaying all the adorable traits to people, you were hiding in the corner where I could see from the corner of my eyes. Like a ghost.
In my journals and diaries, there’s always your sarcasm. 'You want to be the next Virginia Woolf?'. I was so afraid that I threw the pen away, and scattered all my books and papers. Those papers fell down like snows, with dots of red inks. Is that the so-called sakura fubuki ? 'Don't be clever.' I ran to the drunkenly attractive corners of the city. In the wine class, finally, you disappeared.
When I was faintly drunken in the spectacular cities, you stood in the crowds, eyes directed at me.
All I had were just penetrated like that. Even though your gaze wasn't even sharp, and you were just standing there, staring at me.
But I had nothing to be gazed at by anyone. Glass by glass, in those clubs and bars I followed those dangerous game rules, sending signals with the corner of my eyes, pouting the burgundy red lips of mine. Glass by glass, misty eyes, expelled you out of my sight.
Hustle and bustle, going and coming. I knew I couldn’t leave here, but anywhere was better than where you were around.
When I was lingering with the warmth of my lover, completely lost the sense of self, you were hiding under the bed, peeked at each of the moves made by him and me.
You knew what was under all my giggles, charming smiles, moans, and the ripples on the lake of my eyes. It is a delicately crafted life. You said. But your sounds were just too weak. I pretended to hear nothing.
'Harlot.' You were louder this time. But I didn't know, I didn't know it was you, or me, or the verdict issued from the court of the normal.
Eventually, I took all the insults you deliberately piled up, and crawled to hide in my secret corner.
But you were still there.
'How did you get in here?' My astonishment escaped me.
Surprisingly, my voice echoed like earthquakes in this narrow space. Hearing my panics delivered back, wave by wave, I was somehow drunk in enjoyment.
You looked at me, silently, as the answer.
'This is my mind palace, my personal space, please leave.' You turned up the volumes, as though it could put me into exile.
I will not be expelled, and you know the reasons better than anybody.
You thought that armouring yourself up with novelty words from alien languages, from cultures can defend yourself from me. You thought scattering those English words in the different parts of a sentence would stop me from intruding you. It was just like you thought laughter like silver bells, alcohol with high enough content, heavily applied cosmetics, or enough attention can save yourself from my intrusion. Your naivety always makes me laugh secretly.
I'm your owner.
Am I the famous black dog of Winston Churchill's? You asked. Yes and no. I'm your other half. Deep-rooted in all of your corners. From your gazes for 'Daddy', your cravings for intimacy and stimulant, your strong desire to be trodden upon, to be a subject to somebody, anybody, you can see my footprints all over.
I'm your shadow.
I see. You're the patches for my mutilated parts, the reflection for all my regrets. Alright, I accept. I accept that you’ll be there for the rest of my life. Let’s be one, once and for all. Light and shadow. Till death do us part. I will no longer deny you, please treat me gently as well. Let’s make a pact—
She never showed up, and my life is back on the track now. I read, I write, I make friends with good people. I watch the news but never express opinions. I date this optimistic boy who has sunny smiles. Acquaint with him, know him, fall in love with him and bond with him. I find my true another half, where I belong to. I'm a good girl. I'm a smart, kind girl. She will never appear again. I'll have a happily-ever-after, because I conform to all the womanly decorum.
I've never left. I'm always here. Here naivety is the medicine for my long living. I'll present a bigger, nicer departure even compared to the poetess who's burning in the oven, as a gift. I'll finish her will to long-lasting fame, to be looked upon for centuries. And we’re one. I’ll look down on all the people in the incarnations of time. Even death can’t do us part, my other half.
I turn my backs against the people, against you, and dive—
You rebel against me again, this is not the departure for me—
Sharon H. 的沙龍 的其他內容
舊稿。 內容描寫一名文藝女青年的各種心理掙扎。 另有英文改寫版發佈於下篇。
舊稿。 三名背景、階級各異的飄遊者在北市咖啡廳偶遇的片段。
舊稿。 內容描寫一名文藝女青年的各種心理掙扎。 另有英文改寫版發佈於下篇。
舊稿。 三名背景、階級各異的飄遊者在北市咖啡廳偶遇的片段。
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一句話就這麼溢出心智的序列,那是一無意識的、關於愛的滿溢。正是因為那是場永遠都在腦海裡的洋流中竄動的情感,所以對於身體外部的公眾領域只能是一種情感能否生存的未知試探。 此次是一次意外的、招致不穩定的未明事件,在短暫而無法確知自己的冒險意圖之前,行動需要被迫使展開,如果說,可以趕在聲音到達前就有機會攔
單篇-2019 現代奇幻,這並不是雙重人格XD 主題即是影子。   一棟大樓,一個樓層,一間屋子,一道長廊,一扇房門。一個稱不上家的家。   她就站在房門前,放下了一個本該屬於自己的東西。也本就躺在地上的東西,她只是將之分離了。   「……我把影子放這了。」   她說。然後她轉身離開。
在無盡的思念中,日子緩緩地流淌著。我依舊每日守在窗臺,心中的希望卻從未磨滅。 有一天,天空格外湛藍,陽光也異常明媚。 我如往常一樣趴在窗臺上發呆,突然,我聽到了一陣熟悉的腳步聲。 我的心跳瞬間加速,連忙抬起頭張望。 只見那個熟悉的身影出現在了街道的拐角處,是她!她正緩緩地向這邊走來。 我激
單篇-2020   你,又來到這了。   日陽高掛時,我看著你迎面而來,就停在我的面前,日復一日,你臉上憔悴的痕跡好像每天都會添加一分。   直到玉蟾取代金烏,清風染上月色的涼意,散播晶瑩點點。我看著你的背影漸行漸遠,最終隱沒於夜幕之中。   我還記得,還記得那日流星墜落,還記得你手心溫暖
那天後知後覺地發現對你的心意,是我們快要各赴未來的日子。那日午後,無風無光,既沒有刺目的光芒,也沒有呼嘯的狂風。我把我的秘密,我深藏在身後的黑暗赤裸裸地展露在你面前。   害怕、緊張、失落,所有的力氣都集中在在此見你的時刻。“放心,我不會告訴別人的!”我還清楚記得你講話時,那雙隱約紅色的眼眸。
一句話就這麼溢出心智的序列,那是一無意識的、關於愛的滿溢。正是因為那是場永遠都在腦海裡的洋流中竄動的情感,所以對於身體外部的公眾領域只能是一種情感能否生存的未知試探。 此次是一次意外的、招致不穩定的未明事件,在短暫而無法確知自己的冒險意圖之前,行動需要被迫使展開,如果說,可以趕在聲音到達前就有機會攔
單篇-2019 現代奇幻,這並不是雙重人格XD 主題即是影子。   一棟大樓,一個樓層,一間屋子,一道長廊,一扇房門。一個稱不上家的家。   她就站在房門前,放下了一個本該屬於自己的東西。也本就躺在地上的東西,她只是將之分離了。   「……我把影子放這了。」   她說。然後她轉身離開。
在無盡的思念中,日子緩緩地流淌著。我依舊每日守在窗臺,心中的希望卻從未磨滅。 有一天,天空格外湛藍,陽光也異常明媚。 我如往常一樣趴在窗臺上發呆,突然,我聽到了一陣熟悉的腳步聲。 我的心跳瞬間加速,連忙抬起頭張望。 只見那個熟悉的身影出現在了街道的拐角處,是她!她正緩緩地向這邊走來。 我激
單篇-2020   你,又來到這了。   日陽高掛時,我看著你迎面而來,就停在我的面前,日復一日,你臉上憔悴的痕跡好像每天都會添加一分。   直到玉蟾取代金烏,清風染上月色的涼意,散播晶瑩點點。我看著你的背影漸行漸遠,最終隱沒於夜幕之中。   我還記得,還記得那日流星墜落,還記得你手心溫暖
那天後知後覺地發現對你的心意,是我們快要各赴未來的日子。那日午後,無風無光,既沒有刺目的光芒,也沒有呼嘯的狂風。我把我的秘密,我深藏在身後的黑暗赤裸裸地展露在你面前。   害怕、緊張、失落,所有的力氣都集中在在此見你的時刻。“放心,我不會告訴別人的!”我還清楚記得你講話時,那雙隱約紅色的眼眸。