2022-11-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘

37-Good Life

Singer — G-Eazy & Kehlani Producer — DJ Frank E, Infamous & Ben Billions The song goes through the success of both G-Eazy as well as Kehlani and talks about how they want to continue to make a lot of money and be successful in the industry. March-16-2017 The Fate of the Furious: The Album (2017)


[PRE-HOOK Raise a cup up for all my day ones // Two middle fingers for the haters // Life's only getting greater // Straight up from nothing we go // Higher than the highest skyscraper // No Little League, we major // The proof is in the paper] // [HOOK We put the good in the good in the good life // We put the good in the good in the good life // We put the bad in the past, now we alright] // Eazy, Kehlani, I got you // And it's a feeling that I can't explain // How you make it and your team still stay the same // Stay down from the jump and they never change // Man, this a moment I could never trade // I told my moms not to stress no more // Go hit the Bentley store and no credit card debts no more (Love you mom) // I bought the crib and it's in escrow now // So you don't ever have to worry about how you gonna pay rent no more // [REFRAIN I put my team in position, now they making a killing // Stacking blue faces straight to the ceiling Out in Vegas I'm with 'em // Ordering bottles of that Ace when they sit 'em // Till there ain't enough space up on the table to fit 'em // Go ahead and] // [PRE-HOOK] [HOOK] // Pour some Clicquot in the glass, have a toast to success // No looking back from here, no more being broke and distressed // I put my heart into this game like I opened my chest // We only pray for more M's while you hope for the best // We make these plays, man I'm finessing these checks // Time's up for everybody, I'm collecting on debts // And I swear this champagne just tastes better on jets // I'm just out here being great, man, this as real as it gets // [REFRAIN] [PRE-HOOK] [HOOK] // Damn right, from the bottom we rise // So high, now we cover sky lights // We're building an empire // We owe it all to each other // Just look at us right now, destined // We're so good right now, legend // Here's to you and I // Raise 'em to the sky // [HOOK] 2x // Uh, the good life

FAVORITE LINE // Raise a cup up for all my day ones

今年的歌曲推薦系列,除了繼續推薦我喜歡的或是覺得有趣的歌曲之外,文章內文的部分,將會以「改變」這個主題,進行為時一年、各式各樣的討論。 (暫定啦..畢竟我也不知道這個主題是不是能真的說個一整年)

.Good Life
今天推薦這首歌在還沒查歌詞之前,我只對raise-a以及整段Hook(We put the good in the good in the good life…)印象深刻。
當時以為這首歌是在說電影《玩命關頭》系列裡,那群主角們崛起和幹大事的熱血…之類的。 看了看歌詞,嗯…的確是在說幹大事的部分,但相較於電影,這首歌其實更著重於描寫兩位歌手對於自己持續締造成功的期許。
如果說《慢走不送》是想要傳遞「告別有待加強的過去」的想法。 那麼這首歌的歌名Good Life(美好生活)的這個概念,就是我選擇分享這首歌的主要原因。

這個公式是在說明動物各個性狀的表現型(Phenotype),是個體受到基因(Genotype)、環境效應 (Environment effect 指所有非基因構成的外在因子)以及兩者交互作用的影響下,產生的最終結果。
如果把對於現在生活的不滿,歸究於對自己表現狀態的不滿意。 那要改變或提升目前不滿意的表現狀態,依照上面的育種公式,我們能做的就是改變基因型帶給我們的影響,或是往身處的環境裡做點什麼,兩個方向。
基因型,也就是我們來到這個世上的時候,天生就擁有的事物。 譬如我的身體、我的思想…等等(這裡不包含家裡所擁有的資產,畢竟那些東西要不要給你,最終決定權不在自己的手上)。
而環境,則是我們後來接觸到的所有事物。 這就多了去了,所有不包含在基因型裡的東西,都算在這裡了,突然覺得要走到 100分的美好生活, 還有很漫長的時間和距離呢…。

就是分享歌曲,無論你是想豐富自己的歌單,還是好奇JAD同學平常在房間裡飆的是哪個音符(並沒有人好奇),都可以來這裡逛逛。 文章內容除了簡單的歌曲資訊和歌詞以外,常常會出現不少與歌曲毫不相關的人生體悟、學習資訊、閱讀心得...之類的東西,希望可以陪伴大家很多個春夏秋冬喲!
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