2023-01-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘


    2024, Tuesday

    "What are you willing to share with others?" Gentleness and smiles.
    The summit of 槓子寮山(Gongziliao Mountain)has been successfully reached.

    2023, Monday

    In "賭ケグルイ(狂賭之淵)", life is perceived as a gamble, where determination plays a crucial role in the face of skill and luck.
    Whether it's the female protagonist assisted by Kongming in "パリピ孔明(派對咖孔明)" or the male protagonist in "世界最高の暗殺者、異世界貴族に転生する(世界頂尖的暗殺者轉生為異世界貴族)," no longer being a tool of organizations, they make choices based on their own determination.
    I abandoned my old profession after years of hard work, becoming an examinee, which is essentially a gamble on life.
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