聽歌_Bee Gees-Massachusetts

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Bee Gees-Massachusetts

Feel I'm going back to Massachusetts
Something's telling me I must go home
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
The day I left her standing on her own

Tried to hitch a ride to San Francisco
Gotta do the things I wanna do
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts
They brought me back to see my way with you

Talk about the life in Massachusetts
Speak about the people I have seen
And the lights all went out in Massachusetts

I will remember Massachusetts
I will remember Massachusetts

The Bee Gees are a musical group that was originally made up of three brothers: Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were successful for most of their forty plus years of recording music, but they had two distinct periods of exceptional success: as a harmonic "soft rock" act in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and as a foremost act of the disco music era in the late 1970s. The group sang three-part tight harmonies that were instantly recognisable; Robin's clear vibrato lead was a hallmark of their earlier hits, while Barry's R&B falsetto became their signature sound during the late 1970s and 1980s. The brothers co-wrote all of their own hits, as well as writing and producing several major hits for other artists. They have had at least one top-ten U.S. hit in each of five decades: "I've Gotta Get A Message To You", "I Started A Joke" (1960s); "Nights On Broadway", "How Deep Is Your Love", "Stayin' Alive" (1970s); "One" (1980s); "Alone" (1990s); and "This Is Where I Came In" (2000s).
Born in the Isle of Man to English parents, the Gibb brothers lived their first few years in Chorlton, Manchester, England, then moved in the late 1950s to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, where they eventually began their musical careers. After achieving their first chart success in Australia with "Spicks and Specks" (their 12th single), they returned to the United Kingdom in January 1967 where producer Robert Stigwood promoted them to a worldwide audience. It has been estimated that the Bee Gees' record sales total more than 200 million,[1] making them one of the best-selling music artists of all time. They were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997;[2] the presenter of the award to "Britain's first family of harmony"[3] was Brian Wilson, historical leader of the Beach Boys, America's pre-eminent rock group, also a "family act" featuring three brothers [4] whose "vocal harmonies are among the most unmistakable and enduring of the rock and roll era". The Bee Gees Hall of Fame citation says "Only Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Garth Brooks and Paul McCartney have outsold the Bee Gees".
Following Maurice's sudden death on 12 January 2003, Barry and Robin Gibb ended the group after forty-five years of activity. On 7 September 2009, however, Robin announced that he and Barry had agreed that the Bee Gees would reform and perform again.[6]


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多年來,謝菲爾德這座鋼鐵之城孕育了無數知名音樂人,從喬·考克(Joe Cocker)到 Arctic Monkeys,一路走來,這座城市十分樂於接納藝術創新革命,也使他們永遠改變了流行音樂的軌跡。然而,南約克郡最具獨創性和創造力的音樂家可能是一位樣貌不起眼的年輕人,他的名字叫做 — 德瑞克·貝利
藍調傳奇,The Bluesbreakers 樂團創始人以及搖滾名人堂成員—約翰·梅爾(John Mayall)於本週一離世,享耆壽 90 歲。
六七年級生看過這三人嗎? 知道他們是誰嗎? 屬於我們那個年代的青春記憶,接招這個名字有聽過嗎? 沒錯,他們就是當年超級紅的英國男子偶像團體 Take That (接招) 合唱團,有多少人的英文都是聽他們的歌兒學習成長的。 接招讓在哥本哈根的我們有了一個太感動的夜晚。
當樂團領袖 Duane Allman 因車禍身亡後,一瞬間所有人陷入絕望之中,因此,《 Eat A Peach 》這張專輯既是祝福,也是通向未來的橋梁,連結了 The Allman Brothers Band 的兩個不同世代,見證了五名團員化悲劇為前進的動力,創造了他們生命中最美好的音樂作品。
曾幾何時,Disco 舞曲在人類音樂歷史中完全成為全球「主流」,當時有些創作理所當然成為見證這風格的經典樂曲。
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
我第一次聽到〈生活袂曉過〉就是在黃昏。 「生活袂曉過。 萬事袂得過 恭喜你扗佇這個社會」 恭喜你喔,在你覺得諸事不順,整個世界與你作對的時候,恭喜你,因為這是大人的滋味。 而大人的滋味,正是千真萬確的孤獨。
HYBS樂團以其獨特的R&B風格和幽默的團名『Have You Been Shirmp?』為人所知。他們的歌曲Tiptoe融合懷舊和放鬆的曲風,帶給聽眾清新的音樂享受。這篇文章介紹了HYBS樂團和他們的代表作Tiptoe,帶領讀者踏上音樂之旅,一同飛上月球。
多年來,謝菲爾德這座鋼鐵之城孕育了無數知名音樂人,從喬·考克(Joe Cocker)到 Arctic Monkeys,一路走來,這座城市十分樂於接納藝術創新革命,也使他們永遠改變了流行音樂的軌跡。然而,南約克郡最具獨創性和創造力的音樂家可能是一位樣貌不起眼的年輕人,他的名字叫做 — 德瑞克·貝利
藍調傳奇,The Bluesbreakers 樂團創始人以及搖滾名人堂成員—約翰·梅爾(John Mayall)於本週一離世,享耆壽 90 歲。
六七年級生看過這三人嗎? 知道他們是誰嗎? 屬於我們那個年代的青春記憶,接招這個名字有聽過嗎? 沒錯,他們就是當年超級紅的英國男子偶像團體 Take That (接招) 合唱團,有多少人的英文都是聽他們的歌兒學習成長的。 接招讓在哥本哈根的我們有了一個太感動的夜晚。
當樂團領袖 Duane Allman 因車禍身亡後,一瞬間所有人陷入絕望之中,因此,《 Eat A Peach 》這張專輯既是祝福,也是通向未來的橋梁,連結了 The Allman Brothers Band 的兩個不同世代,見證了五名團員化悲劇為前進的動力,創造了他們生命中最美好的音樂作品。
曾幾何時,Disco 舞曲在人類音樂歷史中完全成為全球「主流」,當時有些創作理所當然成為見證這風格的經典樂曲。
介紹Kenny Loggins、Bruce Springsteen、Richard Marx、Bryan Adams、Huey Lewis、Rod Stewart、John Mellencamp、David Bowie、Corey Hart,這11位80年代知名的搖滾男歌手及其歌曲賞析。
我第一次聽到〈生活袂曉過〉就是在黃昏。 「生活袂曉過。 萬事袂得過 恭喜你扗佇這個社會」 恭喜你喔,在你覺得諸事不順,整個世界與你作對的時候,恭喜你,因為這是大人的滋味。 而大人的滋味,正是千真萬確的孤獨。
HYBS樂團以其獨特的R&B風格和幽默的團名『Have You Been Shirmp?』為人所知。他們的歌曲Tiptoe融合懷舊和放鬆的曲風,帶給聽眾清新的音樂享受。這篇文章介紹了HYBS樂團和他們的代表作Tiptoe,帶領讀者踏上音樂之旅,一同飛上月球。