2023-06-09|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


    1.simply/merely 僅僅
    2.surveyed/sizzed up 審視,打量
    3.adept at/excels in 精通的,擅長的
    4.intimidate/treaten 威脅
    5.as possible as/one can 盡可能 (x)as possible as one can
    6.epidemics/pandemic 傳染病
    7.that is/namely 也就是說
    8.postpone/pot off 延後
    9.sinister/malicious 惡意的
    10.remark/comment 評論
    11.commodities/goods 商品
    12.raw/rare 生的
    13.specific/particular 特定的
    14.sleep on it/comtemplate 深思熟慮
    15.despite/in spite of 僅管,雖然
    16.participate in/take part in 參與
    17.bring sb down/defeat sb 打敗某人
    18.rather/quite /relatively 相當
    19.on/when/upon + ving 一~就~
    20.swift /rapid /prompt 迅速的(+ delivery 快遞)
    21.immediately /right away/at once 立即
    22.led to/results in/bring about 造成
    23.deal with/cope with/handle/tackle 應付,處理
    24.currently /presently /at present 目前
    25.however /nevertheless /nonetheless 然而
    26.to some degree/extent 就某種程度而言
    27.as a result/therefore/thus 因此
    28.in other words,/that is,/namely, 也就是說
    29.hardly/barely/rarely /scarcely 幾乎不
    30.just /already /yet 還沒
    31.so far/up to now/up to the present 到目前為止
    32.consider + ving/thoughtful 貼心的
    33.obey/abide by + n/obedient 遵守
    34.determination/fortitude/perseverance 堅毅
    35.comtemplate = brood over + n 深思
    36.due to/owing to/on account of 由於
    37.obvious/apparent /manifest /conspicuous 彰顯
    38.take + measures /steps /actions 採取措施
    39.popped the question = propose(+ to sb)求婚
    40.seize the day/carpe diem 把握當下
    41.accurate/precise 精確的
    42.deliberately/on purpose 故意
    43.vulnerable/fragile 脆弱的
    44.desert/abandoned 遺棄
    45.character/feature/characteristic/trait 特色
    46.domineering /bossy 強悍的
    47.antsy/edgy/on edge 焦慮的
    48.soaring /sky-rocketing 高漲的
    49.spreed/circulate/rumors 散播謠言
    50.occasionally/from time to time/every now and then/once in a while偶爾
    51.furthermore /besides /moreover /in addition/other than /aside from /apart from /on top of 除此之外
    52.concerning /regarding/respecting/as regards/in regard to/with respect to/in respect of/about 關於
    53.how about + ving = why not + vr
    54.free = complimentary
    55.senior citizen=old man
    56.gradually = little by little
    57.a variety of = various
    58.extremely = very
    59.worried = concerned
    60.no matter how = however
    61.ward off = prevent from
    62.expensive = costly = pricy
    63.i sit=i am seated→sitting =seated
    64.be capable of ving = be able to v
    65.the moment = as soon as
    66.feel down = depress
    67.can’t help ving = can’t help but v
    68.depend on/rely on/count on
    69.so as to = in order to
    70.avian influenza = bird flu
    71.research = a study
    72.in fact, = in reality, = in effect,
    73.plenty of/a lot of + [n]/[u]
    74.surrender to = give in to
    75.live/reside/dewell + prep = inhabit/populate
    76.regulation = rule
    77.avoid = prevent oneself from
    78.occasionally = fom time to time = every now and then = once in a while
    79.noted = celebrated = renowned = well-know = distinguished
    80.inferior = worst than
    81.calm/cool/level-headed /composed/collected
    82.upset = depressed
    83.involve + n/ving = include
    84.of help = helpful
    of health = healthy
    of wealth = wealthy
    substitute a for b
    replace b with a
    86.look down on = despise
    87.by no means = never
    88.nothing but = aways
    89.in view of = in the wake of = because of = on account of
    90.while = whereas =although
    91.ward off = prevent from
    92.on top of = besides
    93.for example = consequently = in consequence=for instance
    94.modest = humble
    95.attract = appeal to
    see/view /take /regards + a as b
    think of /look upon + a as b
    consider + ab
    refer to + a as b
    a be composed/made up + of b
    a consists of b
    a cmprise b
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