2023-09-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

進階圖論題目: Leetcode #847 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes





Example 1:

Input: graph = [[1,2,3],[0],[0],[0]]
Output: 4
Explanation: One possible path is [1,0,2,0,3]

Example 2:

Input: graph = [[1],[0,2,4],[1,3,4],[2],[1,2]]
Output: 4
Explanation: One possible path is [0,1,4,2,3]



  • n == graph.length
  • 1 <= n <= 12
  • 0 <= graph[i].length < n
  • graph[i] does not contain i.
  • If graph[a] contains b, then graph[b] contains a.
  • The input graph is always connected.


回顧一些圖論的基本演算法,BFS, DFS, MST最小生成樹, Shortest Path給定起點的最短路徑…等。哪個比較適合呢?

BFS最適合? 為什麼,因為BFS先天具有點波源擴散的特質,由起點往外擴散,逐層探索,當滿足終止條件時(以本題目為例,就是拜訪過所有節點),擴散層數 = 最短路徑。

這題的困難點又在哪呢? 因為起終點不固定,但是又要求必須拜訪所有節點

所以,一開始初始化的時候,必須把所有節點都納入Source 起始點。


traversal_queue = deque( [(node_idx, 1 << node_idx , 0) for node_idx in range(n) ] )


所以,在設計visited set和推入traversal queue時,必須同步考慮到當下的搜索狀態search state。當BFS 進行中,必須檢查(node index, search state)沒有重複,才走下一步。

visited = { (node_idx, 1 << node_idx ) for node_idx in range(n) }

最後,就是設定終止條件,題目已經給定是一筆畫路徑,而且必須拜訪所有節點。所以,如果當下search state的bit mask已經拜訪過所有節點,則BFS演算法抵達終止條件,當下的搜索步長 = 擴散層數 = 一筆畫拜訪所有節點的最短路徑長。

    # We've visited all nodes in graph G at least once
   if cur_state == all_node_visited:
    return path_length


class Solution:
 def shortestPathLength(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:

  # n = total node count = height of adjacency matrix
  n = len(graph)

  # Initialize traversal queue
  # parameter of tuple: (node idx, state mask, visiting path length)
  traversal_queue = deque( [(node_idx, 1 << node_idx , 0) for node_idx in range(n) ] )

  # parameter of visited tuple: (node index, search state mask)
  visited = { (node_idx, 1 << node_idx ) for node_idx in range(n) }

  # Mask of all node visited
  all_node_visited = (1 << n) - 1

  # Launch BFS traversal from each node in graph G as source
  while traversal_queue:

   cur_node, cur_state, path_length = traversal_queue.popleft()

   # We've visited all nodes in graph G at least once
   if cur_state == all_node_visited:
    return path_length
   # Visit neighbor of current node
   for neighbor_idx in graph[cur_node]:

    next_state = cur_state | (1 << neighbor_idx)
    next_length = path_length + 1

    # If pair (neighbor index, next state) is not seen before
    if (neighbor_idx, next_state) not in visited:

     traversal_queue.append( (neighbor_idx, next_state, next_length) )
     visited.add( (neighbor_idx, next_state) )

  return -1

令n = 輸入圖中的總節點數


O( n² * 2^n )

BFS 圖論演算法基本複雜度為O( V + E ) = O( n + n² ),

當稠密圖時,Edge最多可以有C(n,2)條邊 = O( n² )

此外,在BFS探索的每一步中,需要額外紀錄O(2^n) seach state mask搜索狀態的遮罩。

因為總共有n個節點每個節點兩種可能(拜訪過 或 沒拜訪過),遮罩最多有O(2^n)種不同狀態。


O( n * 2^n )

耗費在Traversal queue 和 visited set上,最多有n個節點,拜訪每個節點當下伴隨最多2^n種狀態。


[1] Python O( (n²) * (2^n) ) by BFS + bitmask — Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes — LeetCode

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