Experts say the findings back up previous studies on the benefits of exercise for those with Parkinson's. Tai chi may help slow down the symptoms of Parkinson's disease for several years, a Chinese study suggests. Those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications and
better quality of life than those who didn't, the researchers say. Parkinson's is a progressive brain disease which leads to tremors and slow movement, and there is no cure.
Phrases and Vocabulary
Grammar point
段落中斜體部分運用了常見的形容詞子句(adjective clause)。簡單來說,形容詞子句就如同一般形容詞的存在,但屬於後置(位)修飾,也就是從後面修飾前面的"對象"。以形容詞子句來說,形容詞子句形容了前面的人、事或物,"限制"了所談到的對象。形容詞子句通常會以關係代名詞(relative pronoun)開頭,例如who, which, that, whom, etc.,造句者須依照所修飾/"受限制"的人或物在形容詞子句中的位子來決定使用哪一個關係代名詞。以新聞中的句子為例:
"Those who practised the martial art twice a week had fewer complications and better quality of life than those who didn't".
受修飾對象: those
形容詞子句:who practised the martial art twice a week
為什麼:Those practised the martial art twice week. Those 在這個形容詞子句裡扮演主詞的角色,所以我們用who來連接前後部分。(who: 人當主詞, which: 事物當主詞/受詞, whom: 人當受詞)
(1) Those had fewer complications and better quality of life.
(2) Those practised the martial art twice a week.
Possible Translation