David Hare's play(原版劇本)
昨天去了倫敦當地一家小眾電影院 ArtHouse Crouch End 看了 National Theatre Live(NT Live) streaming 的 ‘Skylight’ ,2015年的製作,由 Carey Mulligan 和 Bill Nighy 飾演 Kyra 和 Tom.
ArtHouse Crouch End
劇本是英國當代最重要的劇作家之一 David Hare 於1995年所寫,故事講述了一個在餐廳工作的聰慧的女孩 Kyra曾瞞著老闆娘 Alice和老闆 Tom 交往長達六年,在她的情書被 Alice 發現後,Kyra 離開 Tom 的家庭,獨自一人居住在北倫敦破敗的公寓,擔任女教師的工作以糊口。故事發生在三年後,Tom 來到 kyra 的公寓找她,希望取得她的原諒,希望他們能復合…
我先看了英文劇本才去看戲,發現這次製作與原本的劇本有所出入,增添與刪改了一些細節。比如在原劇本中 Tom 提到他們可以一起去他的別墅度假,但製作裡刪去了。以及一個我很喜歡的細節,在原劇本中 Kyra 在 Tom 走了之後,去熄滅了公寓裡唯一的一盞暖氣(heater)。那樣的舉動是絕望的,就連生活中賴以慰藉的最後一絲幻想也徹底熄滅了。但在此次演出版中刪去了這個動作。可能,覺得太淒慘了。
'Skylight' production by National Theatre Live
這個故事最打動我的地方在於,劇作家用兩個價值觀完全對立的人物展開了一場精彩的辯論(argument)—一方是成功人士 Tom;一方是收入微薄的小學教師 Kyra,兩人的辯論涉及什麼才是真正值得投身的工作?怎麼活才是有社會責任的?是創造工作機會的創業家更值得讚賞,還是投身底層貢獻自己的教師更不容易?
Kyra 在劇中有一段精彩的辯論:
(Do you know what social workers do? Every day? They try and clear out society’s drains. They clear out the rubbish.They do what no one else is doing, what no one else is willing to do. And for that, oh Christ, do we thank them? No, we take our own rotten consciences, wipe them all over the social worker’s face, and say, ‘If-FUCK-‘if I did the job, then of course if I did it…oh no, excuse me, I wouldn’t do it like that…’
Well, I say: ‘Ok, then, fucking do it, journalist. Politician, talk to the addicts. Hold families together. Stop the kids from stealing in the streets. Deal with couples who beat each other up. You fucking try it, why not? Since you’re so full of advice. Sure, come and join us. This work is one big casino. By all means. Anyone can play. But there’s only one rule. You can’t play for nothing. You have to buy some chips to sit at the table. And if you won’t pay with your own time…with your own effort…then I’m sorry. Fuck off!”)
Carey Mulligan 說完這段訓話後觀眾是鼓掌叫好的,難得可見如此正氣凜然的女主。
by NT Live
結局當然是遺憾的。如同 Krya 所說
‘Tom, it’s a difference between us. It’s kind of a gulf.’ (我們之間有很深的鴻溝)
Tom 惋惜的是 Kyra 具備一切擠身上游的條件與能力,但卻情願往下游衝,他確實是不能理解。他最後離開 Kyra 公寓的那段話很美,
‘The world’s not a court. Most things are chance. That’s what I’m saying. A girl of eighteen walks down the King’s Road…And in that girl, there’s infinite potential. I suppose I just wanted some of that back.’
(這個世界不是一個法院。機運決定一切,我是這麼相信的。一個18歲的女孩子走在king’s road 上…在那個女孩身上充滿無限可能。我想我只是想要回哪麼一點。)
(King's Road 是倫敦富人區 Chelsea 上餐廳林立,繁華的大路。)
看完這齣戲讓我重新理解了上週 Playwrighting 課堂上,教授說的話:
‘If you going to devote yourself to writing, and you going to feel as though the rest of life is sort of taking a slightly second best...Then at least when you’re writing, the stuff you write should be for the world, for other people rather than for your own glorification, your own satisfaction.
You should write, in order to illuminate something, or to improve something, or to get under the skin of human condition and share it with other people.So it in some way brings people together and makes the world slightly better.
At least the intention of your writing is the solution rather than the problem.’
倫敦國王十字區(King’s Cross) 的辦公大廈
註:David Hare 以 The British Trilogy (大英三部曲)聞名:Racing Demon、Murmuring Judges、The Absence of War,他的劇作以鋒利的社會批評和左翼關懷為人稱道。