更新於 2024/05/15閱讀時間約 8 分鐘


小時候,阿祖(曾祖母)過世, 是在家裡面辦喪事。

大人總是會交代,要把阿祖照顧好,不要讓貓跨過阿祖, 特別是黑貓。

如果黑貓跨過阿祖,阿祖會變成殭屍, 會帶來不幸。



後來去英國唸研究所, 對黑貓完全改觀。





我非常開心, 覺得「 今天真是幸運的一天」。





遇到黑貓後, 因為自我暗示,覺得今天會很幸運。


也因為抱持這樣的想法和心態, 所以我們做出來的事情,就比較容易得到正向的回饋。



個人想法怎麼來?在成長過程中, 耳濡目染學習來的。


英國的愛貓團體,將10月27日訂為國際黑貓節(International Black Cat Day)。



先問問自己「 我的想法是什麼?」

再問問自己「 我這個想法是從哪裡來的?」

還要繼續問自己「 這個想法讓我有什麼情緒?」

最後再問自己「 當我有這個想法和情緒時, 會讓我做出什麼反應?」




【The Black Cat is Innocent】

When I was little girl my great-grandmother passed away, and the funeral was held at home.

The adults would always instruct us to take good care of my great-grandmother’ body and not allow any cat, especially a black one, to cross over her.

If a black cat were to cross over my great-grandmother’s body, she would become a zombie and bring misfortune.

Since then, I have never shown a black cat a friendly face.

Whenever I see a black cat, I would either pretend not to see it or keep my distance.

I later went to the UK for postgraduate studies and completely changed my view of black cats.

My friends in the UK told me that if you are walking on the street and a black cat passes in front of you, it is a very lucky thing.

Black cats are a symbol of luck in the UK.

Some people only keep black cats and don't want any other colors.

That day, I went for a walk, and a black cat passed by me.

I was very happy, thinking, "Today is a really lucky day".

I went shopping and met a shop assistant. I found the assistant particularly kind and friendly, and even gave me a discount.

When I went to park, it was hard to find a parking space, but oddly enough, there was a parking spot waiting for me.

I went to eat, the boss was in a good mood, and even gave me some side dishes.

Was I really lucky that day? Just because I met a black cat.

After encountering a black cat, due to self-suggestion, I feel that today will be very lucky.

So I would especially go to see good things and good places.

Also because of holding such thoughts and mentality, the things we do are more likely to get positive feedback.

Even if the other party's response is not good, we can interpret it more positively.

Our view of black cats is the real key to our emotional and behavioral responses.

How do personal thoughts come about? They are learned from influence and exposure during the growth process.

After all is said and done, the black cat is innocent.

Cat lovers in the UK have designated October 27 as International Black Cat Day.

They hope that through this holiday, people's perceptions of black cats can be changed, increasing the chances of black cats being adopted.

When you have a particularly strong reaction to certain people, things, or events,

First ask yourself, "What are my thoughts?"

Then ask yourself, "Where did this thought come from?"

Continue to ask yourself, "What emotions does this thought provoke in me?"

Finally, ask yourself, "What is my response when I have this thought and emotion?"

Emotions come from one's own thoughts, and thoughts come from past experiences.

Current behavior is actually a response to the past.

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