2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

2024 年國立臺灣師範大學 EMI 教學資源中心 112-2 學期【EMI 人才與領導課程】成果簡報發表競賽第三名

2024 年國立臺灣師範大學 EMI 教學資源中心 112-2 學期【EMI 人才與領導課程】成果簡報發表競賽第三名 🎉🎊 恭喜陳映竹 (Ying-Chu Chen) 榮獲 2024 年國立臺灣師範大學 EMI 教學資源中心 112-2 學期【EMI 人才與領導課程】成果簡報發表競賽第三名!🥳🌟 陳映竹在這次競賽中展現了卓越的英語教學技巧與領導能力,透過精心準備的簡報贏得了評審們的肯定👏。她的努力與專業不僅為自己帶來了榮譽,也為 EMI 教學資源中心增添了光彩✨。讓我們一起祝賀陳映竹,並期待她在未來的 EMI 課程中繼續發揮所長,為學生帶來更多的啟發與成長📚💡。

National Taiwan Normal University English as medium for instruction teaching assistant talent and leadership course presentation competition 3rd place

🎉🎊 Congratulations to Ying-Chu Chen for winning 3rd place in the 2024 NTNU EMI Teaching Resource Center 112-2 Semester [EMI Talent and Leadership Course] Presentation Competition! 🥳🌟 Ying-Chu showcased outstanding English presentation skills and leadership abilities in this competition, earning high praise from the judges with his well-prepared presentation👏. His dedication and expertise have not only brought his personal honor but also added prestige to the English as Medium for Instruction Teaching Resource Center✨. Let’s celebrate Ying-Chu Chen’s achievement and look forward to his continued contributions in future EMI courses, bringing more inspiration and growth to his students📚💡.



陳映竹! (Chen, Ying-Chu),Ph.D. Student, M.S., M.A., CSCS*D, ACSM-CEP




★★聯絡資訊 ★★

🟦 微小起心動念,將有莫大改變!小額捐款贊助運科博士生!




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