2023-06-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

R4-當下(Being Present)

    “海洋?” 老魚說:“你就在其中啊。”


    I heard this story about a fish. He swims up to an older fish and says: “I’m trying to find this thing they call the ocean.”
    “The ocean?” the older fish says, “that’s what you’re in right now.”
    “This”, says the young fish, “this is water. What I want is the ocean!

    You don't need to be fixated about something to find a meaning in your life. You need to savour it and learn to enjoy the little moments instead of waiting for something big to happen to reach happiness.

    What ‘Soul’ Teaches Us About Deconstructing Purpose And Being Present
    Sometimes, at the sacrifice of time with our loved ones and solitude with ourselves. We always think if we get that one big break that only then we'll start living. We'll have enough to have time to be present.
    Has life conditioned us to be these hard noised achieving machines as opposed to people who find serenity in just being? Are we that less important because our passions may be walking or stargazing?
    [from] https://substreammagazine.com/2020/12/soul/


    This is Water
    Commencement Speech to Kenyon College class of 2005 written by David Foster Wallace

    https://fs.blog/2012/04/david-foster-wallace-this-is-water/ (speech)

    There are two young fish swimming along who happen to meet an older fish. The older fish nods at them and says:

    ‘Morning boys, how’s the water?’

    The two young fish swim on for a bit and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and asks:

    ‘What the hell is water?’

    — David Foster Wallace.

    The message of the fish story is that the most obvious and important realities are the hardest to see. Often, this is because our natural setting is to be self-centered and to interpret everything through this lens of self.


    生命中最簡單又最困難的事(2005 commence 講稿翻譯圖文) (博客來

    3 Profound Life Lessons from “This is Water” by David Foster Wallace

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