2024-08-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

每日英語 #090: Ordering from Room Service 客房服務點餐

Ordering from Room Service 客房服務點餐

Room service offers many “benefits” (advantages; good things) to hotel guests. “First and foremost” (most importantly), it is very convenient. Hotel guests do not have to leave the hotel – or even their room – to eat. Instead, they can have food delivered directly to their room. This is especially helpful when the hotel guest is an “out-of-town” (not from the local area) traveler who doesn’t know the restaurants in the area or who doesn’t have a car.


Another benefit of room service is that hotel guests can “place an order” (say what one wants to have or buy) for breakfast the night before. For example, the guest can ask to have breakfast delivered at 7:00 the next morning. This “eliminates” (gets rid of) the need to wake up early that morning, place an order, and then wait for the food to be delivered. Room service is also generally available anytime, so guests can order food even at 3:00 a.m. when most restaurants are closed.


However, not all hotel guests enjoy using room service, because it has some “drawbacks” (disadvantages; bad things). Room service “tends to be” (is usually) more expensive than food served in a restaurant. Even if the prices listed on the menu seem “reasonable” (not too expensive), the service charge makes room service expensive. Room service also has a “limited selection,” meaning that the menu is smaller than most restaurant menus and people might not be able to order what they really want to eat.


The last drawback of room service is that the food is often delivered cold. In a restaurant, food can be moved from the kitchen to the tables quickly, but with room service there are often delays in taking food from the kitchen to the guests’ room, especially in a large hotel.



  • Benefits 好處 /ˈbenɪfɪts/
  • First and foremost 最重要的是 /fɜːrst ənd ˈfɔːrmoʊst/
  • Convenient 方便的 /kənˈviːniənt/
  • Out-of-town 外地的 /aʊt əv taʊn/
  • Place an order 下單 /pleɪs æn ˈɔːrdər/
  • Eliminates 消除 /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪts/
  • Drawbacks 缺點 /ˈdrɔːbæks/
  • Tends to be 往往是 /tɛndz tuː biː/
  • Reasonable 合理的 /ˈriːzənəbl/
  • Limited selection 選擇有限 /ˈlɪmɪtɪd səˈlɛkʃən/
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