I'm losing my self control 我開始失去自制力 Yeah, you're starting to trickle back in 沒錯,你/妳開始想要挽回我 But I don't wanna fall down the rabbit hole 我不想像愛麗絲一樣掉到逃不出的無底洞 Cross my heart, I won't do it again 我暗自告訴自己,我不會再上當了
I tell myself, tell myself, tell myself, "Draw the line" 我一直告訴自己,要劃清與你/妳的界線 And I do, I do 我有阿,我有劃清了 But once in a while I trip up, and I cross the line 但一不小心墜入你/妳說的甜言蜜語,我就又越線了 And I think of you 開始想你/妳了
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back 2年就這樣消逝了,而我卻陷入與你/妳共度的2年回憶 Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over 以為就這樣結束了,但回憶並不打算放過我 Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best? 我們愛得一團混亂,但那不是最棒的一段嗎? Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over 以為一切就隨著時間消逝,但你/妳與回憶卻將我箝制住
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over 因為我們感情的消逝,不代表真正的結束 And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again 在我認為要放下你時,你/妳卻準備回來跟我複合 And I'll have to get over you all over again 而我又必須再次忘掉妳/妳