「治得好嗎?我不知道。但對我來說用跳舞是我唯一知道可以減輕疼痛的方式。」來自「芙蘿倫絲機進份子(Florence + the Machine)」最新專輯Dance Fever 中的主打之一,"Free"探討Florence自身於疫情期間的焦慮與創傷,講述一段內心拉扯後,找回內心喜悅與平靜的過程。
「芙蘿倫絲機進份子(Florence + the Machine)」是由主唱Florence Welch與其成員組成的英國獨立搖滾樂團。獨特的豪邁卻又兼具細膩的浪漫風格,讓某些無法輕易表達的感受得以被傳達,並引起共鳴。MV則由Autumn de Wilde執導(人物肖像風格很強烈,個人很欽佩她復古、繁華的風格下表現出角色故事張力的掌握),2021年於烏克蘭的基輔拍攝,並於2022年釋出MV。因此在MV的最後,能看到製作團隊對烏克蘭友人們的致敬,並堅信他們閃耀的自由意志將永不熄滅。
MV的敘事方式很可愛。Florence代表著她的「自我」,而一旁的演員Bill Nighy則扮演她的焦慮。因此Bill才會面色嚴肅且不斷地講電話、抖腳,並企圖指揮Florence的行為。
Because it's all in my head / And "You're too sensitive", they said / I said, "Okay, but let's discuss this at the hospital".
"There were moments you know. It was like people were asking like I was asking doctors. Because we just didn't know how long mass gathering were going to be an absolute no, and in the scale of like greater good you have really sort of accepted that. But as it started, to drag on it was more of a question of like maybe this will never come back, or if it comes back, it's gonna be back in 8 years or 10 years, like there was a kind of futurelessness to it of something that I had devoted my entire life to getting people.( and my jooob!)"—Florence Welch
- Brayden, Kate (2022). "Florence + the Machine unveil video for 'Free' starring Bill Nighy as 'anxiety' ". Hot Press.
- Lindsey Weishar. (2022). "Florence + the Machine's 'Free': Holding Personal and National Anxiety Together—While suffering brings weariness, there is room for rest and joy". Verily.
- Florence on How Difficult Making 'DANCE FEVER' was. |Absolute Radio