November 15

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
Life is simple! Why make it complicated for yourself? Why choose the devious path when the straight path lies before you? Let life unfold for you, and do not try to force its unfoldment. You cannot force the unfolding of a flower, for if you try to do so, you will destroy the beauty and perfection of that flower by your impatience. There is a right time for everything, so why not get into rhythm with life, flow with it and behold My wonders and glories unfold in true perfection? When something is done out of timing, it holds up so much, instead of speeding it along, as may be imagined. Therefore wait upon Mein quietness and confidence, and never try to rush ahead and do something out of timing. At the same time never drag your feet and waste precious time. Realise that there is a glorious pattern and plan running through everything you do, and give eternal thanks.
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