November 21

閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
You will never know whether something works unless you try it. You will never know whether the electricity is on unless you put your hand on the switch and switch it on; you have to take some action to prove that it works. So with faith. It is useless just sitting there talking about faith if you do not live by it and if no one can see what it means to you. It is useless talking about living by faith when your security is in your bank balance, and you know you can draw on it whenever you choose to do so. It is when you have nothing and can step off the deep end and do the seemingly impossible because your faith and security are rooted and grounded in Me, that you can talk about living by faith and be a living demonstration of it. Go ahead and put your faith to the test and see what happens!
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