
2021/06/05閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
6月6日,No. 156,近義詞:渴望
LONG, YEARN, HANKER, PINE, HUNGER, THIRST mean to have a strong desire for something.
#LONG implies a wishing with one's whole heart and often a striving to attain. E.g., He longed for some rest after his final exams.
#YEARN suggests an eager, restless, or painful longing. E.g., I have been yearning for a stage career in New York.
#HANKER suggests the uneasy promptings of unsatisfied appetite or desire. Those who always hanker for money will never satisfy, no matter how much money they earn.
#PINE implies a languishing or a fruitless longing for what is impossible. E.g., Men always pine for their lost love.
#HUNGER and #THIRST imply an insistent or impatient craving or a compelling need. E.g., Albert hungered for a business of his own; Frank Underwood thirsted for power even though he was supposed to lose the reelection.
#dailymrps #mrps20210606 #每日猜招 #vocabulary #synonym #weeklysynonym #近義詞 #hunger #thirst #pine #hanker #yearn #long #英文學習 #認知語言學
Mr PS 猜招先生
Mr PS 猜招先生
這裡是我落實「生產是一個人最高貴的行為」的地方。 Mr. PS (Problem-Solving) 猜招先生,以十八般武藝的玩耍與雜耍,陪你猜人生怎麼出招,見招拆招。