My mother’s English name- Chat 1

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one week ago my mother starte taking English lessons. She asked me to give her an English name.

I am so good at naming people, it all started with my Barbie Dolls in my childhood. I wrote some names, and she picked up Emilia, like she picks up a doll at department store, whilst I am not sure if my mother ever had that experience taking up a doll at a department store. Or if she ever went to a department store while she was young.
She married my dad and moved to our small town near the sea. My aunt who is younger than my dad got married later and opened a department store in my hometown. That was a hit of the time, and it kept running so well, that it became a memory of an era. My aunt and her husband retired relatively early and retreated to a smaller town among the mountains. The department store was run by her ex-staff. But it never enjoyed the blooming like before.
The department store was the first one and the last one in town, remaining memorable.
When they were closing, my mother dropped by and shopped. She was never the type to shop, literally she never shopped. Maybe she is too shy. But when the only department store in town was about to close, which accompanied her daughters’ childhood and adulthood, she might have felt that touching and inviting tone of closure of an era.
She conquered her shyness and went to the shop, picked up things up and dropped them down again. She has never been shortage of money, only she hesitated in giving herself a treat. Maybe deep down she never felt herself is really worthy of something, ever.
She kept her prey even twenty years later- a mini backpack with pattern of black and white tiles, which she only took out on special occasion.
Megan Poole von Pexels
Medium: My mother's English name
Matters: My mother's English name
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這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
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Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
我在之前的文章中一再強調,為了讓孩子浸吟在英文環境,音檔的重要性,有時更勝於繪本,而今天的選書就是這樣。 Pied Piper Mickey是 ”My First Mickey Mouse Bedtime Storybook” (Disney Books) 此書的其中一個故事,吹笛手利用笛音,
很多人第一次接觸古北歐文化是因為電視劇《維京傳奇》(Vikings),劇中插入曲很著名,叫〈我媽有跟我講過〉(My Mother Told Me);譯成中文變得有點媽寶,但英語歌詞簡單好唱,所以很受歡迎。不多人知道的是,這首民謠真的是 1000 年前的北歐年度十大單曲之一。
why we need to accept ourselves, is this help? and how too accept our selves
Everyone all have some time that we will get in down, sometimes the down will let you get upset, but how to get away the bad emotion?
三級警戒繼續延長中... 這段期間都關在家...最近甚至是否有想過要不要停止這邊的帳號好了~ 因為焦慮跟對未來的不確定性,所以很多想寫的突然都沒靈感了。 倒是有好好地睡覺、好好地吃飯。 而且因為疫情的關係,所以吃的都很健康~都是水煮青菜當中餐,早餐是麵包或是大燕麥片~已經吃完一罐了,剛把新的一包補進
好一陣子沒有來寫東西了。 這陣子發生了一些事情...然後又因為疫情的關係,造成自己身心俱疲。 別誤會,我沒有染疫,身體還健康。 只是心情累了點..每天都活在恐懼之中,同時自己又因為暫時無業而在家成為需要人養的那個人。 這是一種無力感。 其實我是一個蠻喜歡待在家裡的人,既使我現在沒住在家裡,既使我現在
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
我在之前的文章中一再強調,為了讓孩子浸吟在英文環境,音檔的重要性,有時更勝於繪本,而今天的選書就是這樣。 Pied Piper Mickey是 ”My First Mickey Mouse Bedtime Storybook” (Disney Books) 此書的其中一個故事,吹笛手利用笛音,
很多人第一次接觸古北歐文化是因為電視劇《維京傳奇》(Vikings),劇中插入曲很著名,叫〈我媽有跟我講過〉(My Mother Told Me);譯成中文變得有點媽寶,但英語歌詞簡單好唱,所以很受歡迎。不多人知道的是,這首民謠真的是 1000 年前的北歐年度十大單曲之一。
why we need to accept ourselves, is this help? and how too accept our selves
Everyone all have some time that we will get in down, sometimes the down will let you get upset, but how to get away the bad emotion?
三級警戒繼續延長中... 這段期間都關在家...最近甚至是否有想過要不要停止這邊的帳號好了~ 因為焦慮跟對未來的不確定性,所以很多想寫的突然都沒靈感了。 倒是有好好地睡覺、好好地吃飯。 而且因為疫情的關係,所以吃的都很健康~都是水煮青菜當中餐,早餐是麵包或是大燕麥片~已經吃完一罐了,剛把新的一包補進
好一陣子沒有來寫東西了。 這陣子發生了一些事情...然後又因為疫情的關係,造成自己身心俱疲。 別誤會,我沒有染疫,身體還健康。 只是心情累了點..每天都活在恐懼之中,同時自己又因為暫時無業而在家成為需要人養的那個人。 這是一種無力感。 其實我是一個蠻喜歡待在家裡的人,既使我現在沒住在家裡,既使我現在