A story about a Taiwan criminal

閱讀時間約 4 分鐘

Did you know a drama named 國際橋牌社?

All right, it's a Taiwan political drama, and it described some political stories in 1994.
Part of the drama is talking about a criminal named 鄭太吉。
He was born in Pingtung and joined the gang when he was a junior high school student.
In the past years, people called him "the emperor of 屏東" or "the underground mayor", because he ever said that "Crossing the 高屏溪, no crime for murder."
One time(December 1994), he tried to kill his friend named 鍾源峰, but the first time and the second time failed.
The third time, 鍾源峰 at home with his mother, and 鄭太吉 found them. 鍾源峰's mother found something wrong, so she lied to 鄭太吉 four times, she said 鍾源峰 wasn't at home, but the fact was 鍾源峰 fell asleep at up floor.
But the fifth time, 鍾源峰 woke up, and he didn't think 鄭太吉 would kill him, because they were friends! So he went downstairs, and then, 鄭太吉 shot him under everybody's eyes. And 鍾源峰's mother broke down directly.
After that, 鄭太吉 was arrested by the police, and he said "I should've killed his mother at that time!"
I can share a link with you, and you can know more about this event after this class.
用they "were" friends是想表達「這整件事已是過去式」,但事件當時的鍾源峰,還是認為他跟鄭太吉是朋友喔。但會不會被誤以為「鍾源峰當時就不認為他們當下是朋友」了?🤔🤔🤔
Sentences practices:
  1. I think 鍾源峰 should've been more cautious at that time, and shouldn't have gone downstairs.
  2. 鄭 went to jail again and again, but every time he leave the prison, he became more powerful. The government shouldn't have let him get out the prison.
  3. If you let a bad guy as a government officer, the guy can't be a good officer.
  4. The media were afraid of reporting this issue, they must've been threatened.
Rita的沙龍 的其他內容
The center has announced that we don't need to wear a mask in some safe indoor places.
這裡有些我對文章的練習,並分享將該文章的連結如下: Here are some practices to the article and I shared the article link below:
「事實上是,這世界上沒那麼多壞人,所以你不用急著當一個受害者或英雄。」 突然有感而發的生活感想,既然只是個短短句子,也來嘗試翻成英文看看好了。
Here are some practices for the article that I shared under the link:
Here is a place for me to practice English. If you found any faults in my article, please feel free to let me know, thanks. --------------------------
Here is a place for me to practice English. If you found any faults in my article, please feel free to let me know, thanks.
The center has announced that we don't need to wear a mask in some safe indoor places.
這裡有些我對文章的練習,並分享將該文章的連結如下: Here are some practices to the article and I shared the article link below:
「事實上是,這世界上沒那麼多壞人,所以你不用急著當一個受害者或英雄。」 突然有感而發的生活感想,既然只是個短短句子,也來嘗試翻成英文看看好了。
Here are some practices for the article that I shared under the link:
Here is a place for me to practice English. If you found any faults in my article, please feel free to let me know, thanks. --------------------------
Here is a place for me to practice English. If you found any faults in my article, please feel free to let me know, thanks.
Google News 追蹤
接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
從前在很遠的地方,有個地方叫做神仙樹林,所以那裡有很多的樹木, 也有很多的鮮花水果和動物。還有法鬥艾力和熊貓哈哈。 從前在很遠的地方,有個地方叫做神仙樹林,所以那裡有很多的樹木,也有很多的鮮花水果和動物。還有法鬥艾力和熊貓哈哈。
我需要療傷,所以上來胡言亂語了😌 - - - 10、9、8、7⋯,他每天的工作就是在倒數,從意識清明到混沌,再從混沌到清明。 枯燥嗎?唔⋯也許吧,但,讓人們的痛苦得到舒緩,讓人們在修復中清醒,雖然人們看起來只是輔助,他還是感覺到幸福,能幫上忙,真好。 不過,今天怎麼如此疲倦,
如果能讓時間倒流,你/妳願意用多少代價去換?4分鐘的永遠夠不夠⋯。 忙碌辛苦的職業,也沒能澆熄他對生活的熱情,他喜歡熱鬧的氣氛,喜歡跟眾人談論八卦和家裏長短,這些煙火氣讓他覺得自己還算是個人。 入夜之後,他習慣一個人⋯,喔不對!一人一貓安靜地待著,回復自身的能量,沒有想過會有誰闖進他的生
歐爾·克利斯汀·梅森 Ole Christian Madsen 丹麥 | 劇情片 | 94min 我想她要說的是, 「我不是故意的」。 看似放蕩的紅杏出牆, 其實只是極度需要陪伴; 非要肉體不可嗎? 你不覺得肌膚碰觸肌膚有溫度的擁抱, 是“陪伴”最寂靜也最完美的詮釋?
改編自小說《西蒙和他的出櫃日記》,《親愛的初戀》作為首部由好萊塢六巨頭公司製片、面向北美主流市場的同志青春愛情電影,以「出櫃」及「初戀」母題貫穿全片,聚焦在未出櫃的高中生 Simon(Nick Robinson 飾)從一次次危機與選擇中尋找自我的旅程。
God is the author of your story. If you'll get in agreement with Him, He will take you further than you could go on your own. 上帝是你故事的作者。如果你與他達成一致,他會帶你
甜蜜蜜 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996) 兩個新移民差點見異思遷的苦澀愛情故事? 這段關係最後能苦盡甘來嗎? 性格木獨老實、努力踏實工作的天津人黎小軍(黎明飾)VS性格急進有野心、力爭上游的廣州人李翹(張曼玉飾)。 — — 也算是圓滿了。 — — [完]
接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
從前在很遠的地方,有個地方叫做神仙樹林,所以那裡有很多的樹木, 也有很多的鮮花水果和動物。還有法鬥艾力和熊貓哈哈。 從前在很遠的地方,有個地方叫做神仙樹林,所以那裡有很多的樹木,也有很多的鮮花水果和動物。還有法鬥艾力和熊貓哈哈。
我需要療傷,所以上來胡言亂語了😌 - - - 10、9、8、7⋯,他每天的工作就是在倒數,從意識清明到混沌,再從混沌到清明。 枯燥嗎?唔⋯也許吧,但,讓人們的痛苦得到舒緩,讓人們在修復中清醒,雖然人們看起來只是輔助,他還是感覺到幸福,能幫上忙,真好。 不過,今天怎麼如此疲倦,
如果能讓時間倒流,你/妳願意用多少代價去換?4分鐘的永遠夠不夠⋯。 忙碌辛苦的職業,也沒能澆熄他對生活的熱情,他喜歡熱鬧的氣氛,喜歡跟眾人談論八卦和家裏長短,這些煙火氣讓他覺得自己還算是個人。 入夜之後,他習慣一個人⋯,喔不對!一人一貓安靜地待著,回復自身的能量,沒有想過會有誰闖進他的生
歐爾·克利斯汀·梅森 Ole Christian Madsen 丹麥 | 劇情片 | 94min 我想她要說的是, 「我不是故意的」。 看似放蕩的紅杏出牆, 其實只是極度需要陪伴; 非要肉體不可嗎? 你不覺得肌膚碰觸肌膚有溫度的擁抱, 是“陪伴”最寂靜也最完美的詮釋?
改編自小說《西蒙和他的出櫃日記》,《親愛的初戀》作為首部由好萊塢六巨頭公司製片、面向北美主流市場的同志青春愛情電影,以「出櫃」及「初戀」母題貫穿全片,聚焦在未出櫃的高中生 Simon(Nick Robinson 飾)從一次次危機與選擇中尋找自我的旅程。
God is the author of your story. If you'll get in agreement with Him, He will take you further than you could go on your own. 上帝是你故事的作者。如果你與他達成一致,他會帶你
甜蜜蜜 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996) 兩個新移民差點見異思遷的苦澀愛情故事? 這段關係最後能苦盡甘來嗎? 性格木獨老實、努力踏實工作的天津人黎小軍(黎明飾)VS性格急進有野心、力爭上游的廣州人李翹(張曼玉飾)。 — — 也算是圓滿了。 — — [完]