Mastering the Art of Research: A Step-by-Step Guide for Grad

2023/05/11閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
Graduate students can follow these steps to find international journal articles published in the past three years that are similar to their research interests:
  1. Search academic databases Use academic databases such as Google Scholar, Scopus, or Web of Science, and enter relevant keywords for your research topic. Limit the search to international journal articles published within the past three years.
  2. Filter the search results Filter the search results based on the relevance to your research interests. You can do this by looking at the article titles, abstracts, or keywords.
  3. Read and take notes Read the selected articles carefully and take notes on the main research questions, methods, results, and conclusions.
  4. Cite and extend If there are valuable references in the article, read them further to expand your research perspective. Citing these references in your own research can increase its credibility and academic level.
In summary, finding international journal articles published within the past three years that are similar to your research interests requires patience and attention to detail. These steps can help graduate students effectively find valuable literature and cite it in their research.