realistic polarization

更新於 2024/01/11閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

We, in this realistic world, continue to struggle to find happiness innately in our hearts

And keep failing chasing dreams of what we actually, frankly, truthfully want (even not 'like' or 'love')

But pick ourselves up once again and, with ambition and faith, reach to the climax

Then what will happen next?

God only knows, but we have to know that we don't know

Don't ever cross the border to overthink, self-create the scene or even predict the future things

Something will happen with no doubt, anyway

Whether it would be ominous, hopeful, vibrant, descending

Whether the future would be a calamity, a wonderland, a paradise, or a purgatory

We cannot, in advance, think too much or do too much in order to maximize or minimize the prosperity or adversity

We should not, in the meanwhile, be too phlegmatic or roseate in any circumstances

Since, firstly, we have completely no idea or assertiveness to allege about any things that would happen in the future

Secondly, everything that occurs in every timeline, is the truth

And it is not good or bad, it is real

('Truth' is a neutral noun that demonstrates no tendency and deflection of positive or negative implication)

    房間1 - 文明思維:探討現代都市人的思維邏輯、生活方式,內含主觀評論、犀利批判的成分,請斟酌吸收思量。 房間2 - 命運說:自我對人生的體悟,隨筆記事、心情實錄。 房間3 - Kentzeur 文章選集 (2022/4/25~ ):集結Kenteur 2022/4/25至今的詩、評論、札記選集。
    Still I need to resist on chasing something that I don't want, that I think it as my dream Why confronting the truth or facing my state of mind, wha
    May my turbulent times pass sooner
    Do your own thing 在正向著各種質疑、否定、不信任、冷落、欺騙、排擠、辱罵、唾嚙的襲來之下 若仍能保持初心、秉有自我意識而行事 想做什麼就做什麼的境與勁 那不是什麼好事、也不是什麼壞事 應說這不能以好、壞如此片面表層粗顯的辭彙形容 這代表發生了什麼事 都是自己(主事人)
    我為什麼會將人生活得那麼狼狽? 遊走於身心靈富足之金字塔的底層、下階囚般的族群 在生活的各類不順遂、連續性直落的跌宕 別說是什麼人生的養分了 連這種境態是否宜稱為「人生」都是一陣艱難 什麼時候 我才能自動盪浮沉的日子裡逃脫、且是全身而退 迎臨安穩、安定、安適、安妥、安靜的洗染? Ma
    We, at life, should (but not must), treasure and cherish every moment
    Still I need to resist on chasing something that I don't want, that I think it as my dream Why confronting the truth or facing my state of mind, wha
    May my turbulent times pass sooner
    Do your own thing 在正向著各種質疑、否定、不信任、冷落、欺騙、排擠、辱罵、唾嚙的襲來之下 若仍能保持初心、秉有自我意識而行事 想做什麼就做什麼的境與勁 那不是什麼好事、也不是什麼壞事 應說這不能以好、壞如此片面表層粗顯的辭彙形容 這代表發生了什麼事 都是自己(主事人)
    我為什麼會將人生活得那麼狼狽? 遊走於身心靈富足之金字塔的底層、下階囚般的族群 在生活的各類不順遂、連續性直落的跌宕 別說是什麼人生的養分了 連這種境態是否宜稱為「人生」都是一陣艱難 什麼時候 我才能自動盪浮沉的日子裡逃脫、且是全身而退 迎臨安穩、安定、安適、安妥、安靜的洗染? Ma
    We, at life, should (but not must), treasure and cherish every moment
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