「人魔」漢尼拔醫生(Dr. Hannibal Lector)品味超凡,讓他選一種葡萄酒作為「天長地久」的愛情禮物,象徵意義自是無敵,只不過,這個愛情品味之選,沒出現在電影版《人魔》,而在《人魔》原著小說裡。
The tastes of Dr. Hannibal Lector was extraordinary. And he chose a wine to show his everlasting love in the original novel.
精彩程度勝過電影的原著結局,漢尼拔醫生最後跟史達林探員(Clarice Starling)「有情人終成眷屬」,兩人不但互相療癒心理缺憾,最後還雙宿雙飛、出入歌劇等場所享受人生,堪稱超越世間道德規範的「神仙眷侶」。
The wonderful ending of the novel was better than the film’s ending.
Dr.Hannibal finally had a happy ending with FBI Agent Starling (Clarice Starling). They shared everything beautiful in the world.
Their romance was more perfect than any couple in the world.
漢尼拔醫生為彰顯他對史達林的永恆愛慕,特選一瓶史達林出生年份的伊更堡(Château d’Yquem),作為她卅三歲的生日禮物,以這酒可陳放超過百年的特質,象徵「天長地久」的愛情。
In order to highlight his eternal love for Stalin, the doctor chose Château d’Yquem, the birth year of Stalin, as her 33-years-old birthday gift which meant that his love for her would be last forever.
In the wine auction market, Château d’Yquem was more popular than any other kind of white wine for that it could be stored more than 100 years.
However, Peter Meyer chose this bottle of wine as the “best wine to drink before you’re gonna leave this world”. The reason is even more impressive.
Peter Meyer talks to his friend Mario about “the best way to die” and draws two conclusions:
Must die in the sunny summer afternoon, you can not die in the rain
Second, enjoy a “perfect last lunch”.
In order to allow the chef to concentrate on cooking, don’t worry about the problem for the wine matching foods. You must select Château d’Yquem to wait for the final feast of this life.
It’s perfect to drink a bottle of Château d’Yquem served with sweet desserts.
It’s a sign of everlasting love to share a bottle of Château d’Yquem served with sweet desserts with someone you care.
Box:關於貴腐甜白酒莊之王 — 伊更堡(Cheteau d’Yquem)每英畝葡萄園超過半數以上葡萄被埋起來當肥料,以造就剩下的「菁英」。最後每年只產六萬五千瓶。該酒莊釀酒大師常因該年氣候不順,完全放棄釀酒;在廿世紀發生九次(1910, 1915, 1930, 1951, 1952, 1964, 1972, 1974, 1992)。1711年開始,伊更堡白酒就有「世界最好白葡萄酒」的超級名聲,「1855年分級制度」審查裡,伊更堡被以「著無庸議」一致通過,認定是唯一可列名超一等酒莊的貴腐甜白酒。2006年,一套「縱橫一百卅五年」系列(vertical):