Christmas Lights by Coldplay

2023/11/25閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

Lessons in English Songs 3

今年Coldplay來到高雄辦演唱會,在他們眾多曲目當中,我最愛的是他們2011的單曲 Christmas Lights。每一年聖誕時節,在挑選播放給學生聽的聖誕歌單當中,Christmas Lights 總是心裡的最愛。原因有幾個,聖誕歌曲中脫不了歡樂或宗教的氛圍,而這一首失戀的歌,搭配著單純的鋼琴、吉他樂音,特別不同。在歡樂季節裡,這樣的沉靜音樂,撫慰內心的失落感受。歌曲裡的想望、祈求,與年末的黑夜很合拍。從傷心鬱悶的開始,到最後開闊遙望的結束,歌曲寄望遠方未來的希望。我會聯想到的另一首年末必聽的歌 Au Lang Syne, 尤其在結尾的時候,遙望未來、寄予希望的珍惜感受。

Christmas night

Another fight

Tears we cried a flood

Got all kinds of poison in

Of poison in my blood

前兩句有押韻,立即點出這個沉重聖誕夜的背景故事。下一句 “Tears we cried a flood” 是倒裝,原句應是 “We cried a flood of tears.” 除了外在的眼淚,內在是 I “got all kinds of poison in my blood.” 說明內在的苦痛、翻攪、瀕死的狀態。

I took my feet to Oxford street

Trying to right a wrong

"Just walk away," those windows say

But I can't believe she's gone

“I took my feet to Oxford street,” 用 I took my feet, 而不是 I walked, 可以想像主角的心、身分離,行屍走肉,勉強驅使自己出門。

“Trying to right a wrong,” 這裡的兩個形容詞詞性改變, right 變成動詞, wrong 變成名詞,對比簡潔清楚。"Just walk away," those windows say. But I can't believe she's gone. 歌者在燈光燦爛處尋找佳人,商店櫥窗趕他離開,因為他並不屬於這個歡樂世界。而他行走其中,景物依舊,佳人已不在身邊,他無法置信,現在獨自一人。

When you're still waiting for the snow to fall

Doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

生活在南國的我們,這句話很有感受吧? 聽著盛讚雪白世界的聖誕歌曲,我常常覺得溫暖常綠的台灣沒有聖誕氣氛。這段chorus有押韻,因此十分catchy.

Up above candles on air flicker

Oh, they flicker, and they flow

And I'm up here holding onto

All those chandeliers of hope

And like some drunken Elvis singing

I go singing out of tune

Singing how I always loved you, darling

And I always will


Oh, when you're still waiting for the snow to fall

It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Still waiting for the snow to fall

It doesn't really feel like Christmas at all

Those Christmas lights

Light up the street

Down where the sea and city meet

May all your troubles soon be gone

Oh, Christmas lights keep shining on

Christmas lights not only light up the street; they also light up my heart. 燈光帶著歌者走過街,將眼光放遠,看到城市和海天接合之處,” Down where the sea and city meet” 眼光放遠後,才是和解 (where we meet), 從心中的各種 poison, 歌者轉念,” May all your troubles soon be gone.” 祝福他人時,自己也得到允許,有幸福的可能性。

Those Christmas lights

Light up the street

Maybe they'll bring her back to me

And then all my troubles will be gone

Oh, Christmas lights keep shining on

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, Christmas lights

Light up the street

Light up the fireworks in me

May all your troubles soon be gone

Those Christmas lights keep shining on


有趣的MV,復古風,我喜歡舞台的設置,可愛的貓王除了當背景、跑龍套外,也出現在舞台上方,前幕木框刻著 "Credo Elvem Etiam Vivere." 拉丁文,意思是 "I Believe Elvis Yet Lives." 我相信貓王還活著,搖滾不死。

Lillie Hsin
Lillie Hsin
書籍、電影與音樂是我觀看世界的媒介。 Lessons in English Songs 介紹我喜愛的英文歌,學習英文之外,也得到人生養分。