What More Should I Do? – Dr. Paul’s Inquiry

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I served as a video recording technician at FoGuang HuB (FGS North America Humanistic Buddhism Courses) fall semester of 2023.The course I was responsible for was taught by Professor Paul Kjellberg, titled “History of Buddhist Philosophy: The Development of Buddhist Schools from India to the Present.”

As the semester drew to a close, Dr. Paul asked me, “What do you think I should do more to keep Chinese students interested? I’ve noticed many of them are dropping the course.” I was both moved and embarrassed—moved by Dr. Paul’s sincerity and embarrassed by the relatively low total of in-person and online students each time. However,  perhaps a majority of students are watching the recorded playback instead.

The term “Chinese Students” has a broad definition. Coming from an upbringing in an Asian-style education system and with Mandarin as my native language, I responded back to Dr. Paul: “Your teaching style involves interactive questioning, which is quite different from what we are accustomed to. We tend to be more passive in class, often shy to speak up, and having to do so in English can be quite intimidating!”

Dr. Paul nodded, indicating his understanding, and I proceeded with a suggestion (or a mischievous idea): “You could emphasize before and after each class that the Buddha once said, ‘Among all offerings, the offering of the Dharma comes first.’ Encourage everyone to speak freely and make Dharma offerings. Bringing the Buddha into the picture might work well, as Chinese students raised in the Asian educational tradition, who often obediently follow their teachers.”

I wonder if Dr. Paul regrets asking a non-expert, someone who just throws out random ideas?

In each class, Dr. Paul and the students discussed questions such as: “What is the true Middle Way?” “Must the Buddha leave the palace to practice?” “If there is gain from generosity(giving), how does it differ from conditional exchange?” and “Why did the Buddha, after attaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, choose to propagate the teachings?”

I truly admire Dr. Paul. He teaches at Whittier College and regularly leads students to visit Hsi Lai Temple. I witnessed him instructing his Western students to respectfully greet venerable in accordance with Buddhist etiquette before their lectures, a sight that surprised me.

During the semester’s exploration of Mahayana Buddhism, Dr. Paul asserted, “Fo Guang Shan’s Humanistic Buddhism is Mahayana Buddhism, and all venerable at Hsi Lai Temple are bodhisattvas.” His affirmation resounded strongly, and excitedly, I shared it with a venerable who responded, “As Dr. Paul himself is a bodhisattva, he sees everyone as bodhisattvas!”

This is truly “Bodhisattva praising Bodhisattva!” I am moved! On one hand, it makes me reflect on why I often feel like I see demons and debtors. Therefore, I am…

I began practicing writing bilingual articles in Chinese and English in 2023. During the translation process, in addition to relying on my own efforts, I sought others’ assistance, which proved to be quite time-consuming. The articles not only received positive feedback from colleagues whose native language is English but also garnered a response from an English-speaking BLIA (Buddha’s Light International Association) member. She enthusiastically encouraged, “Your content is very interesting, especially the articles that integrate Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma teachings are impressive. I really like them and would like to spread them widely. Could you please write more? Also, can your Chinese news be translated into English?” Feeling inadequate in my English proficiency, I was tempted to reply, “Can you use the almighty Google Translate?” Especially considering those who could help me are quite busy, so the translation work in 2024 will have to rely entirely on myself.

However, Dr. Paul’s question, “What do you think I should do more?” touched me and provided the motivation to strive forward.

Thank you, Dr. Paul! As you do, so shall I! Despite my limited abilities, I can still do more! Here’s to continuing my efforts in 2024!

Professor Paul Kjellberg (the microphone holder) during his lecture. (Source: A wordsmith)

Professor Paul Kjellberg (the microphone holder) during his lecture. (Source: A wordsmith)

文字小工 的其他內容
Discussion on the concept of 'The Dharma is Just This Way' taught by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
孔子說他四十而不惑,我年過四十好幾歲,對人生還是有好多疑惑,例如為什麼每天我都在掃落髮,落髮都是黑髮,頭上日益增多的白髮卻如如不動?「三千煩惱絲」日漸稀疏不應是好事嗎?但這漸由青絲變白髮的過程,看來還是讓我煩惱,一想到此,我不禁笑了,「三千煩惱絲」果真名副其實。 有句話說「哀樂中年」,我想這是指人
我在FoGuang HuB佛光山北美人間學院2023年秋季英文課程,擔任錄影技術人員,所負責的課程是保羅·克耶爾貝格教授(Dr. Paul Kjellberg)授課的「佛教哲學史:談從印度到現今的佛教學派發展」(History of Buddhist Philosophy:The Developme
因工作的關係,我天天都與超過65歲的長者們在電話上進行生理及心理評估,至今一年有餘。 一開始我很不解也很驚訝,怎麼10個長者裡面,有9個都被診斷患有憂鬱症?剩下的一個可能「雖不中,亦不遠矣」? 長者不該是「含飴弄孫」嗎?這些長者怎麼了? 待我電訪的經驗一多,我便了解他們的憂鬱其來有自。
有件事讓我退避三舍,說出來可能有點好笑,我很好奇有沒有人跟我一樣,就是—我很怕動手折疊雨傘! 我在某個下雨天要出門,便用了很久沒用,折得像一團鹹菜的折疊傘,回到家後將它隨手置於一角晾乾,數日後,我突然良心發現,想讓它回復到像新傘的最美原貌,便咬起牙關,唉聲嘆氣的折起傘,折得我痛不欲生,折得手指快骨
Discussion on the concept of 'The Dharma is Just This Way' taught by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
孔子說他四十而不惑,我年過四十好幾歲,對人生還是有好多疑惑,例如為什麼每天我都在掃落髮,落髮都是黑髮,頭上日益增多的白髮卻如如不動?「三千煩惱絲」日漸稀疏不應是好事嗎?但這漸由青絲變白髮的過程,看來還是讓我煩惱,一想到此,我不禁笑了,「三千煩惱絲」果真名副其實。 有句話說「哀樂中年」,我想這是指人
我在FoGuang HuB佛光山北美人間學院2023年秋季英文課程,擔任錄影技術人員,所負責的課程是保羅·克耶爾貝格教授(Dr. Paul Kjellberg)授課的「佛教哲學史:談從印度到現今的佛教學派發展」(History of Buddhist Philosophy:The Developme
因工作的關係,我天天都與超過65歲的長者們在電話上進行生理及心理評估,至今一年有餘。 一開始我很不解也很驚訝,怎麼10個長者裡面,有9個都被診斷患有憂鬱症?剩下的一個可能「雖不中,亦不遠矣」? 長者不該是「含飴弄孫」嗎?這些長者怎麼了? 待我電訪的經驗一多,我便了解他們的憂鬱其來有自。
有件事讓我退避三舍,說出來可能有點好笑,我很好奇有沒有人跟我一樣,就是—我很怕動手折疊雨傘! 我在某個下雨天要出門,便用了很久沒用,折得像一團鹹菜的折疊傘,回到家後將它隨手置於一角晾乾,數日後,我突然良心發現,想讓它回復到像新傘的最美原貌,便咬起牙關,唉聲嘆氣的折起傘,折得我痛不欲生,折得手指快骨
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在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
最近時不時地聽著這首歌,我不是Billie Eilish的粉絲, 也沒看過電影芭比,但這首歌的旋律與Billie的唱法, 深深的吸引著我,感覺好像要告訴我什麼, 仔細品味歌詞與旋律, 感覺有對應到最近的催眠學習。
有沒有覺得一切都是最好的安排?真的好彩嗰條仆街嫌3嫌4,原來最好的第2日出見。太令人感動了。而且你也可以常去這個農場探annie,年尾有個圓滿結局,真係太好了。 話說我公司參加自願性聖誕交換禮物,我見班老seafood一早決定唔玩。到抽獎,有人抽中大陸唔知咩年份神州唔知幾多號發射上太空成功嘅首日封
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In modern interior design, lighting plays a critical role in shaping the ambiance of a space. Among the various lighting solutions available today, 
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今年四月,23歲的女生惠特摩(Kelsie Whitmore)與大西洋聯盟(Atlantic League)史坦頓島渡輪鷹隊(Staten Island Ferry Hawks)簽約。她正在創造歷史,也標誌了女性在職棒賽場上的突破和可能性。
What should i do if i miss you? 想你了怎麼辦?
使用說明書   先聲明這絕對不是什麼教英文的頻道,不要看到標題是英文就覺得好像發現了什麼新世界。 (本人是日文不好的日文系,更別說是英文了)
在創作的路上真的很多人問我說 到底要怎麼做出符合自己期待 但又可以表現得很有美感的作品?🥹 這個問題真的應該是每個創作者都一直在學習的課題吧!
最近時不時地聽著這首歌,我不是Billie Eilish的粉絲, 也沒看過電影芭比,但這首歌的旋律與Billie的唱法, 深深的吸引著我,感覺好像要告訴我什麼, 仔細品味歌詞與旋律, 感覺有對應到最近的催眠學習。
有沒有覺得一切都是最好的安排?真的好彩嗰條仆街嫌3嫌4,原來最好的第2日出見。太令人感動了。而且你也可以常去這個農場探annie,年尾有個圓滿結局,真係太好了。 話說我公司參加自願性聖誕交換禮物,我見班老seafood一早決定唔玩。到抽獎,有人抽中大陸唔知咩年份神州唔知幾多號發射上太空成功嘅首日封
Reference: The Economist Initially, there was a rush for eggs, followed by feta cheese, caviar, cottage cheese, and cucumbers. In some regions, these
In modern interior design, lighting plays a critical role in shaping the ambiance of a space. Among the various lighting solutions available today, 
如果別人問你「what do you say」時,你是否會直接聯想到「你說了什麼」呢?但真正的中文並不是這樣翻譯的。今天就用這篇文來了say真正的用法。 what do you say的用法 what do you say其實就等於how are you,意思是「你好嗎?」,是一種打招呼的用語。所以
今年四月,23歲的女生惠特摩(Kelsie Whitmore)與大西洋聯盟(Atlantic League)史坦頓島渡輪鷹隊(Staten Island Ferry Hawks)簽約。她正在創造歷史,也標誌了女性在職棒賽場上的突破和可能性。
What should i do if i miss you? 想你了怎麼辦?
使用說明書   先聲明這絕對不是什麼教英文的頻道,不要看到標題是英文就覺得好像發現了什麼新世界。 (本人是日文不好的日文系,更別說是英文了)