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#They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good.  It literally means "something has condensed", which is generally used when water is below zero, and can "condense" into ice, but!

 "Condensation" will have a time when it will "return to its original state".

 Many people live on Earth, but how many people care about "how the world comes into being and how it dies"

 The world, taking the earth as an example, is gradually expanding the planets, landforms, and environment, and is the universe in the future. Is this also some kind of "condensation"?

 There are many planets in the universe, and within the planets there are terrain and environments. In the case of considering "parallel worlds".

 Can we "create" a new environment? There has always been only one "yes" answer

 Of course, human beings are not gods, so how can we talk about "creation" First of all, you must understand that it is human beings who are still living on the earth, and since it is human technology and technology that "condense" the earth, why can't it be "restored"

  So let's talk about the "beginning" of the earth and its present "corruption" -- the beginning: simple trees, animals, seas, but through history they have evolved into such "corrupt appearances."

  I've wondered when adults realized the importance of the earth before they began to implement policies for the sake of the planet.

  However, the policy is not bad, but why is the effect so slim, the data may improve every time, but how much has it improved?  

I have listed a few of them, and you can raise objections.   1. The environment in which people grow and the scope of help The government has indeed come up with a lot of solutions, but have they taken these into account?  

2. Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and sees the hearts of the people over time, even if someone really knows how long he can hold on?  

3. What do you expect people from different parts of your country to do This is a psychological level where we think we have "enough solutions" for the other person but often ignore whether they can achieve it.  

4. The person's attitude and thoughts on the world are generally more difficult, because "what does it have to do with me?" and "so?" They "think" that the deterioration of the earth has nothing to do with them, and they can only think of a way when it is related   It's really difficult to implement this plan by one person, so it requires everyone's efforts, so instead of discussing the hot and cold weather, or even other things, (you know the plight of the earth) why you are doing things that don't care for the earth (why is that?).    

This is to take the road just now to know the horsepower, and see the hearts of the people for a long time. The reason why people can't take care of the earth is not that they can't, but whether they can persevere.    

If two people run at the same time, can both of them "together" reach the end? No, instead of "caring for the earth" in the way given by the government, why don't we use our own pace and adjust little by little to finally achieve the goal?    

The human mind is meant to think, isn't it?     The government gives the people a solution, not because it can't, but because it won't follow the environment, family, and ideas. It is also important to know [to give the person the right pace of learning for him].    

I mentioned it earlier! How to restore condensation It's everyone's business. So [please] don't treat other people with your "own" circumstances and opinions.    

Understand that the world doesn't change because of you, so find a way to transform all adversity     I didn't want to give a solution, because I didn't have an obligation, was it supposed to be thought of together, or was it because the political party gave it, and I got used to it? will object!

一切所以,又或者其他,但誰又明白? 奧妙中的無知,盛大中的秘密。

彌生雪的沙龍 的其他內容
因果是什麼簡單而言要分開看因(開始)果(結束),而種什麼因結什麼果。     然而為什麼有因果,為何要有因果,就如同你一樣,你的成長年紀逐漸往上最後死亡。    這不正是因(開始)和果(結束)嗎?然而在這個因果之下,我發覺它並沒有「過程」只有「開端」與其「結果」。    或許這能解釋為何不論是
人究竟是什麼? 為什麼要如此的努力?有的人找到了方向,有的人仍在迷惘。   我們來談談馬斯洛的八大需求。   心理學家亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛在1943年發表於《心理學評論》期刊的論文〈人類動機的理論〉(英語:A Theory of Human Motivation)中提出的心理學觀點。   生理、安
    人是一種以自我中心為主的生物,幻想著自已比別人厲害,自已隨便一站就能高過任何人,剛開始沒多久,就幻想自已能夠成功。     每個人都是,我敢篤定。井底之蛙、窺豹一斑 、鼠目寸光這三個在人類初級大致上都有。     初級是什麼?12歲以下 那為什麼是這個範圍因為“社交” “見識
凝結於字面上意思便是「某樣凝結了」一般用於水在零下時,能夠「凝結」成冰但是!  「凝結」會有「恢復原樣」的時候  很多人在地球生活著,然而又有多少人在乎「世界如何產生與滅亡」  世界,以地球為例,逐漸擴張星球、地貌與環境,在來是宇宙 這是否也是某種「凝結」   在宇宙之中有很多的星球而在
因果是什麼簡單而言要分開看因(開始)果(結束),而種什麼因結什麼果。     然而為什麼有因果,為何要有因果,就如同你一樣,你的成長年紀逐漸往上最後死亡。    這不正是因(開始)和果(結束)嗎?然而在這個因果之下,我發覺它並沒有「過程」只有「開端」與其「結果」。    或許這能解釋為何不論是
人究竟是什麼? 為什麼要如此的努力?有的人找到了方向,有的人仍在迷惘。   我們來談談馬斯洛的八大需求。   心理學家亞伯拉罕·馬斯洛在1943年發表於《心理學評論》期刊的論文〈人類動機的理論〉(英語:A Theory of Human Motivation)中提出的心理學觀點。   生理、安
    人是一種以自我中心為主的生物,幻想著自已比別人厲害,自已隨便一站就能高過任何人,剛開始沒多久,就幻想自已能夠成功。     每個人都是,我敢篤定。井底之蛙、窺豹一斑 、鼠目寸光這三個在人類初級大致上都有。     初級是什麼?12歲以下 那為什麼是這個範圍因為“社交” “見識
凝結於字面上意思便是「某樣凝結了」一般用於水在零下時,能夠「凝結」成冰但是!  「凝結」會有「恢復原樣」的時候  很多人在地球生活著,然而又有多少人在乎「世界如何產生與滅亡」  世界,以地球為例,逐漸擴張星球、地貌與環境,在來是宇宙 這是否也是某種「凝結」   在宇宙之中有很多的星球而在
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來高產一下 接下來幾篇都講講大賣場工作的事情好了 雖然也就短短一年時間 但有太多東西可以分享 先簡單概述冰水主機的原理好了 水流進主機裡→主機製冷變成冰水→冰水送至各樓層各個空調箱裡面→經由空調箱吹冰水達到類似水冷氣的效果→逐漸變成常溫的水再循環回冰水主機裡再次製冷 課長在我第
下雪了!下雪了~~~ 還記得那年在北海道,知道要下初雪的那個晚上,我們開心的開了瓶紅酒等著雪 後來好像沒有下,但氣溫非常非常的低, 柴火在爐裡燒著,雖然沒看到初雪,但心暖暖的。
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
來高產一下 接下來幾篇都講講大賣場工作的事情好了 雖然也就短短一年時間 但有太多東西可以分享 先簡單概述冰水主機的原理好了 水流進主機裡→主機製冷變成冰水→冰水送至各樓層各個空調箱裡面→經由空調箱吹冰水達到類似水冷氣的效果→逐漸變成常溫的水再循環回冰水主機裡再次製冷 課長在我第
下雪了!下雪了~~~ 還記得那年在北海道,知道要下初雪的那個晚上,我們開心的開了瓶紅酒等著雪 後來好像沒有下,但氣溫非常非常的低, 柴火在爐裡燒著,雖然沒看到初雪,但心暖暖的。
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop
《潮濕》 照夜白電腦繪圖作品 使用軟體:Photoshop