一問二答雅思口說Part 2範例:A Situation When You Had To Wait

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Talk about a situation when you had to wait. You should say:
what you waited for
why you had to wait
what you did while waiting
and explain how you felt after waiting.


In December 2022, a situation occurred where I had to wait for my visa approval for a solo trip to Japan. It is worth mentioning that I had planned this trip meticulously, intending to experience Japanese culture during the New Year. In terms of preparation, I submitted all necessary documents promptly. However, there was an unexpected delay in the visa processing. While waiting, I used the time to enhance my Japanese language skills and researched various cultural sites in Japan that I wanted to visit. I also explored local Japanese restaurants in Taiwan to familiarize myself with the cuisine. The waiting period, which lasted three weeks, was filled with anticipation and slight anxiety about whether the visa would be approved on time. After receiving the approval, I felt an immense sense of relief and excitement. The wait was worth it, as it added to my anticipation and made the trip even more fulfilling. The experience taught me patience and the importance of making productive use of waiting time.




Patience is a virtue, but my resolve was certainly tested one fateful evening. I had eagerly signed up for the city's singles mixer event, hoping to meet potential romantic partners. Little did I expect that the event would be so wildly popular! The registration queue snaked around the block, with hundreds of hopefuls anxiously awaiting their turn. After an hour of slowly inching forward, I finally reached the front - only to be told that the event was at capacity and I'd have to wait for the next session. Disappointment washed over me, but I stubbornly rejoined the queue, determined to attend. Two more grueling hours trickled by before I could secure a spot for the third round. To pass the time, I chatted with others in line, sharing our reasons for attending and bonding over the absurd wait. When my name was finally called, relief and excitement coursed through me. Though wearied by the long delay, I was grateful for the opportunity and vowed to make the most of the evening.



Talk about a time you received special news. You should say: when and how you received the news what the news was about how you felt about
Describe a time when you were disturbed by noise. You should say: when and where the noise was how it affected you who else was affected
Describe an advertising campaign that caught your attention. You should say: what the campaign was promoting what different media were used in
Describe a time when you had to work with others to overcome a challenge. You should say: what the challenge was who you worked with what
Describe an occasion when you had to make time for someone. You should say: what the situation was how you rearranged your plans what
Describe an occasion when your offer to help was not accepted. You should say: who you offered to help what kind of help you offered why
Talk about a time you received special news. You should say: when and how you received the news what the news was about how you felt about
Describe a time when you were disturbed by noise. You should say: when and where the noise was how it affected you who else was affected
Describe an advertising campaign that caught your attention. You should say: what the campaign was promoting what different media were used in
Describe a time when you had to work with others to overcome a challenge. You should say: what the challenge was who you worked with what
Describe an occasion when you had to make time for someone. You should say: what the situation was how you rearranged your plans what
Describe an occasion when your offer to help was not accepted. You should say: who you offered to help what kind of help you offered why
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徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
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Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
Life is about waiting for the right moment to react. Everyone have a different exams paper meaning different questions.
不必急著給出答案 時間可以證明一切
在某個課程的場合 我們只是不經意地聊起了天 但彼此可能不夠熟悉 私下也沒有過多的聯絡 但對方很了解我的狀況 他都知道我什麼時候要考試 什麼時候需要幫忙 在某個階段 他已經主動提起 「到時候可以找我幫忙喔」 每次都以為這種話是客套話 真的不知道該接受還是拒絕 但又礙於考試時間快
待業空窗期過長的話 通常一定會在面試時被問到,待業期間在做什麼?為什麼會待業這麼久? 這個時候對於要怎麼包裝這一段空白期就很重要 如果有個完美包裝 反而可以展現自己的積極個性 並增加錄取的可能性! 第一、坦承和正面的態度 首先要誠實的告知職涯中斷的原因 大部分會中斷不外乎有以下幾點
這件事是發生在解決A事件的中間,畢竟A事件整整橫跨了好幾個月份 我有個好友去考語言證照 考完後的某天 我跟朋友聊到塔羅的事情.....;.
徵的就是你 🫵 超ㄅㄧㄤˋ 獎品搭配超瞎趴的四大主題,等你踹共啦!還有機會獲得經典的「偉士牌樂高」喔!馬上來參加本次的活動吧!
隨著理財資訊的普及,越來越多台灣人不再將資產侷限於台股,而是將視野拓展到國際市場。特別是美國市場,其豐富的理財選擇,讓不少人開始思考將資金配置於海外市場的可能性。 然而,要參與美國市場並不只是盲目跟隨標的這麼簡單,而是需要策略和方式,尤其對新手而言,除了選股以外還會遇到語言、開戶流程、Ap
Phase 8. Reflect on Outcomes So, why wait for a particular moment to feel happ.
Life is about waiting for the right moment to react. Everyone have a different exams paper meaning different questions.
不必急著給出答案 時間可以證明一切
在某個課程的場合 我們只是不經意地聊起了天 但彼此可能不夠熟悉 私下也沒有過多的聯絡 但對方很了解我的狀況 他都知道我什麼時候要考試 什麼時候需要幫忙 在某個階段 他已經主動提起 「到時候可以找我幫忙喔」 每次都以為這種話是客套話 真的不知道該接受還是拒絕 但又礙於考試時間快
待業空窗期過長的話 通常一定會在面試時被問到,待業期間在做什麼?為什麼會待業這麼久? 這個時候對於要怎麼包裝這一段空白期就很重要 如果有個完美包裝 反而可以展現自己的積極個性 並增加錄取的可能性! 第一、坦承和正面的態度 首先要誠實的告知職涯中斷的原因 大部分會中斷不外乎有以下幾點
這件事是發生在解決A事件的中間,畢竟A事件整整橫跨了好幾個月份 我有個好友去考語言證照 考完後的某天 我跟朋友聊到塔羅的事情.....;.