
更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 18 分鐘

本次內容會將多益900+必備單字分成商業與管理 (Business & Management)、財務與會計 (Finance & Accounting)、行銷與廣告 (Marketing & Advertising)、法律與合約 (Legal & Contracts)、科技與資訊 (Technology & IT)、國際貿易與供應鏈 (International Trade & Supply Chain)六大類,慢慢引導你學會這些必背單字!Let's go~👍🏻

第一篇Business & Management 商業與管理

1. affiliation (n.) 隸屬關係

🔹 Meaning: A connection or association with an organization, group, or company.

🔹 Usage: Often used in a corporate context to describe partnerships or membership in a group.

Example Sentences:

  • The company has an affiliation with several international suppliers.
  • His affiliation with the firm ended after five years of service.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading Comprehension: Found in company profiles or business reports.
  • Listening: Used in discussions about partnerships.

Example TOEIC Question:

The marketing agency has an ______ with several multinational brands.

(A) negotiation (B) affiliation (C) discrepancy (D) procurement

Answer: (B) affiliation

2. contingency (n.) 應變計畫

🔹 Meaning: A backup plan or strategy for handling unexpected situations.

🔹 Usage: Common in risk management and corporate strategy discussions.

Example Sentences:

  • The company prepared a contingency plan in case of a market downturn.
  • A good manager always has a contingency strategy for potential risks.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Often appears in business policies or financial planning documents.
  • Listening: Found in business meeting discussions.

Example TOEIC Question:

The management team is reviewing their ______ plan to address supply chain disruptions.

(A) hierarchy (B) turnover (C) contingency (D) synergy

Answer: (C) contingency

3. liaison (n.) 聯絡人

🔹 Meaning: A person who communicates between different groups or departments.

🔹 Usage: Often refers to a coordinator in a company or between organizations.

Example Sentences:

  • She was appointed as the liaison between the marketing and sales teams.
  • Our company has a government liaison to handle regulatory matters.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Appears in company role descriptions or internal memos.
  • Listening: Used in HR discussions about job roles.

Example TOEIC Question:

As a project manager, Sarah acts as a ______ between the clients and the engineering team.

(A) hierarchy (B) liaison (C) benchmark (D) turnover

Answer: (B) liaison

4. turnover (n.) 營業額;人事變動率

🔹 Meaning:

  1. Revenue (營業額): The total income of a business.
  2. Employee turnover (人事變動率): The rate at which employees leave and are replaced.

Example Sentences:

  • The company reported an annual turnover of $10 million. (Revenue)
  • High employee turnover can indicate dissatisfaction in the workplace. (HR)

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Appears in financial reports or HR documents.
  • Listening: Used in discussions about business performance.

Example TOEIC Question:

Due to the competitive salary and good working conditions, the company has a low employee ______ rate.

(A) turnover (B) hierarchy (C) synergy (D) procurement

Answer: (A) turnover

5. procurement (n.) 採購

🔹 Meaning: The process of purchasing goods or services, especially in large organizations.

🔹 Usage: Often used in supply chain and business operations contexts.

Example Sentences:

  • The procurement department is responsible for purchasing office supplies.
  • Government procurement processes require strict compliance with regulations.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in business contracts or logistics documents.
  • Listening: Discussed in supply chain meetings.

Example TOEIC Question:

The company’s ______ team negotiates with suppliers to get the best prices.

(A) turnover (B) procurement (C) hierarchy (D) affiliation

Answer: (B) procurement

6. synergy (n.) 協同作用

🔹 Meaning: The combined effect of two or more organizations working together, which is greater than the sum of their separate effects.

🔹 Usage: Used in business partnerships and team collaboration.

Example Sentences:

  • The merger created synergy, allowing both companies to improve efficiency.
  • Team synergy is essential for a successful project.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in business articles and reports.
  • Listening: Discussed in management meetings.

Example TOEIC Question:

The joint venture resulted in significant ______, benefiting both parties.

(A) discrepancy (B) synergy (C) benchmark (D) procurement

Answer: (B) synergy

7. hierarchy (n.) 階層制度

🔹 Meaning: The ranking system within an organization.

🔹 Usage: Common in discussions about management structure.

Example Sentences:

  • The company follows a strict hierarchy, with clear levels of authority.
  • Flattening the hierarchy can improve communication within teams.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in organizational structure documents.
  • Listening: Mentioned in management discussions.

Example TOEIC Question:

In a corporate ______, employees report to their direct supervisors.

(A) benchmark (B) hierarchy (C) liaison (D) contingency

Answer: (B) hierarchy

8. discrepancy (n.) 差異;不一致

🔹 Meaning: A difference between things that should be the same.

🔹 Usage: Often used in financial and data analysis contexts.

Example Sentences:

  • There was a discrepancy between the reported sales and the actual revenue.
  • The audit revealed a discrepancy in the financial statements.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in financial reports.
  • Listening: Discussed in accounting or audit meetings.

Example TOEIC Question:

The accountant found a ______ between the inventory records and actual stock.

(A) liaison (B) turnover (C) discrepancy (D) synergy

Answer: (C) discrepancy

9. subordinate (n.) 部屬;下級

🔹 Meaning: A person who works under someone else in an organization.

🔹 Usage: Used in discussions about leadership and management.

Example Sentences:

  • A good manager listens to their subordinates and values their input.
  • He assigned the project to his subordinate.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in job descriptions.
  • Listening: Used in workplace discussions.

Example TOEIC Question:

The supervisor provided clear instructions to his ______ before the meeting.

(A) hierarchy (B) subordinate (C) turnover (D) liaison

Answer: (B) subordinate

10. benchmark (n.) 基準;標竿

🔹 Meaning: A standard used for comparison.

🔹 Usage: Common in performance evaluations and business analysis.

Example Sentences:

  • The company set a new benchmark for customer service.
  • Our sales performance will be measured against industry benchmarks.

🎯 TOEIC Question Type:

  • Reading: Found in performance reports.
  • Listening: Used in quality control discussions.

Example TOEIC Question:

The company established a ______ for product quality.

(A) procurement (B) benchmark (C) discrepancy (D) turnover

Answer: (B) benchmark



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Session 的用法是會議的意思,今天我們將一起理解這些差異性以及利用例句一起學習更多的相關詞彙喔~Let's go~ 會議meeting或是集會 conference:指的是正式的會議、討論、談判等。 The company held a training session for
Session 的用法是會議的意思,今天我們將一起理解這些差異性以及利用例句一起學習更多的相關詞彙喔~Let's go~ 會議meeting或是集會 conference:指的是正式的會議、討論、談判等。 The company held a training session for
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典型的辦公室八卦特點: 討論同事的職業變動 提到公司的內部政治(如裙帶關係) 分享日常小事(如自動販賣機的情況) 暗示可能的公司大事(如併購) Secrets Beyond the Spreadsheets: Accountants' Break Room Whispers Sara
536/595!國際財務管理與金融 2024.0317.1527 2024.0328.2155 全文分為2部分,1記錄、2心得 1記錄 本書是教科書,內容是重點介紹國際貨幣、國際貿易、匯率、避險等觀念。 一個商業組織走向國際化的三大理論:產品生命週期理論、比較利益理、不完
今天上課、昨天上課……前天值班…… 不論是會計師或是地政士都是很吃知識跟經驗的工作 (難怪資深專業人士賺得比我們還多) 在資訊的透明度越來越高的時代 做傳統的業務只能流血殺價競爭 要讓客戶覺得cp值高什麼都要懂一點才能抓住客戶 以會計師業務來說,客戶問題不一定單單是會計、稅務問題 往往
典型的辦公室八卦特點: 討論同事的職業變動 提到公司的內部政治(如裙帶關係) 分享日常小事(如自動販賣機的情況) 暗示可能的公司大事(如併購) Secrets Beyond the Spreadsheets: Accountants' Break Room Whispers Sara
536/595!國際財務管理與金融 2024.0317.1527 2024.0328.2155 全文分為2部分,1記錄、2心得 1記錄 本書是教科書,內容是重點介紹國際貨幣、國際貿易、匯率、避險等觀念。 一個商業組織走向國際化的三大理論:產品生命週期理論、比較利益理、不完
今天上課、昨天上課……前天值班…… 不論是會計師或是地政士都是很吃知識跟經驗的工作 (難怪資深專業人士賺得比我們還多) 在資訊的透明度越來越高的時代 做傳統的業務只能流血殺價競爭 要讓客戶覺得cp值高什麼都要懂一點才能抓住客戶 以會計師業務來說,客戶問題不一定單單是會計、稅務問題 往往