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I woke up in a daze, grabbed my phone for a quick glance—4:30 in the afternoon. Shocked, I jumped out of bed.
Since last weekend, I had been feeling unwell, but I kept pushing through, holding on to the thought that this coming weekend—thanks to South Africa’s public holiday on Friday—I would finally get three days to rest and recharge.
But before I could even make it to the long-awaited break, one of the dreaded pre-menopausal symptoms, insomnia caused by hormonal imbalance, decided to pile on the misery.
After two consecutive nights of barely getting two hours of sleep, I finally collapsed into bed last night at 2 a.m., exhausted enough to drift off.
When I opened my eyes for the first time today, I thought it was morning. A glance at my phone said otherwise—it was already past noon. I replied to a message from a parent about rescheduling a class, then set my phone down as Mr. Z got out of bed. Without hesitation, I went right back to sleep.
Mr. Z, coffee in hand, walked into the room and woke me. I reached for my novel, thinking I could read a little before getting up, but before I could even finish a page, my eyelids grew too heavy to resist. I gave in and let sleep take over once more.
At some point, I caught the faint aroma of food wafting in from the kitchen. I cracked my eyes open just in time to see Mr. Z strolling in again, looking utterly pleased with himself.
"I made lunch! The kids and I ate so much—we had a great time!" he announced cheerfully.
His words triggered a faint pang of hunger in me, but as I shut my eyes again, I thought, Just a little longer, then I’ll get up.
The next time I opened my eyes, it was 4:30 in the afternoon—and I shot up in shock.
Since getting married, I had never slept so indulgently. In the past, if I ever slept in until even 11 or 12, Mr. Z would glare at me as if I owed him ten million dollars and bark, "You can get up now!"
At 5 p.m., I finally emerged from the bedroom, freshly washed and still feeling a little guilty.
"You let me sleep until 4:30?" I asked, half embarrassed.
To my surprise, Mr. Z simply smiled and replied, "You looked like you really needed it."
And I really had.
The foul mood from sleep deprivation had vanished. The stiff pain in my neck, which had kept me from tilting my head back for a whole week, was almost entirely gone. Even the early signs of a cold had disappeared.
In 2024, we went through yet another dark period in our marriage.
I talked to several friends about what had happened, sought out a new therapist and had a few sessions, and even took the opportunity when my sister-in-law and her husband returned to South Africa to step in and try to talk sense into Mr. Z.
I thought that after Mr. Z had finally checked off every single thing a husband should never do, our marriage would be over.
And yet, I stayed.
So, after deciding to stay, does the change he’s showing mean that our marriage has finally turned a corner?
I dare not be careless. I remind myself to tread cautiously, as if walking on thin ice, continuing down this rocky road of marriage.
After waking from a marathon sleep, I dutifully cleaned up the mess in the kitchen that no one had bothered to take care of. I stuck to the plan Mr. Z and I had discussed the day before and prepared a hearty dinner for the children.