If we hadn't stopped to drink pop, it wouldn't have taken that long.
I instructed my son to watch his manners in Mississippi and that should a situation ever come to his being asked to get on his knees to ask forgiveness of a white person, he should do it without a thought.
—Mamie Till
提爾的母親在審判後被譴責在法庭上「哭得不夠淒慘」,但她的理性與堅韌讓提爾並不只是白白犧牲。她後來和伊利諾伊大學非裔研究及新聞學副教授班森(Chris Benson)共同出書「純真之死」(Death of Innocence),於2003年出版。
提爾死後100天,一名黑人女子Rosa Parks拒絕放棄在蒙哥馬利市公共汽車上的白人乘客座位,並因違反阿拉巴馬州公共汽車隔離法被捕。由羅賓遜(Jo Ann Robinson)領導的婦女民主委員會,呼籲各方抵制全市公共汽車,並請求當時26歲的年輕牧師提供協助;這位牧師就是民權領袖金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)。