How was using Facebook Job Postings to find candidates?

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Recently, I got a chance to hire candidates by Facebook Page Job Postings. I would like to share some experiences with you.
For the employer
  • Free to post a job
  • Check the candidate’s family status if meet your salary budget?
  • Understand if the applicant is responsive or not?
  • Understand how do they interact with people?
  • How do they show their personality?
  • Writing in typo or abbreviation?
  • Easy to make an appointment with the candidate
  • Setup the questions in the posting, but I prefer to ask question later to see the attitude
  • Although you can label the candidate, you can’t separate the candidate with your personal label
  • Can’t write a comment after the interview in the job management
  • Can’t manage the candidate flexible with your own column
  • Can’t send an automated result
  • Can’t attach a CV
For the applicant
  • Like the company page
  • Answer the question straight forward
  • Be Honest if you don’t know
  • Thank you message after the interview
  • Send a clean and organized CV in PDF
  • Have a Linkedin Profile, Skype Account
  • Apply through the job link: it makes HR easily manage the hiring status
  • Have a Clean background while skyping
  • Have a professional photo on Linkedin or CV
  • Send an audio CV will outstand you, maybe a video CV is even better
  • Send CV in Photo
  • No responsive
  • Give fake salary expectation
  • Go to an interview without checking the company’s profile
  • Miss the Skype interview call
  • Say you want to learn: you shall say how you can help the company
  • Apply for a job if you are not interested
  • Ask the salary before the interview
  • Apply for the job if you don’t meet the requirements
If you have any question, please feel free to leave your comment, or discuss with me.
Originally published at on February 24, 2019.

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