2019-10-21|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘


    原來我們只是助人自助啊! 但願我們都能誠懇謙卑不為自己地,陪伴支持他人,終究成就身心靈永恆地完整健康。
    後記: 靜宜社工系學會要出系刊。每一位老師都被期待寫一段一百字左右或更多亦可的話語給同學。於是,我在十六號凌晨開工,初稿在一點二十三分完成。這時間點於我是一件有意義的巧合。我成長的年代裡1月23日是自由日,123這個數字是自由與解放的召喚。願有緣讀到本文的朋友和我都能夠因著真誠無私無我的實踐助人而超越各種世俗的束縛回到精神靈性的家,身心從束縛中解放,常住真理永恆喜樂萬事萬物因愛而和合的至善境界。
    Professor Fan-Ying Tao (陶蕃瀛) is teaching Social Work at the College of Humanities and Social Science, Providence University in Taichung City (150km South from Taipei City). He has contributed to set up inspiring non-profit groups and volunteer programs for his students. He wrote this message a few months ago for the university Student Association of the Department of Social Work & Child Welfare which was going to publish a periodical. He kindly shared it withthe ATD volunteers who visited his students in last April.
    原來只是助人自助 Now I understand that the ultimate goal of our work is to help people help themselves. On the other hand, when we help others, we help ourselves at the same time.
    在助人工作中,我們遲早要有些痛苦的發覺 While helping others, sooner or later we will experience painful feelings.
    原來我們並沒有能力鞤助別人,我們只能陪伴支持身處困境的他者。Actually we are not capable of helping others. We can only accompany those who are in distress.
    原來我們的陪伴支持,能否幫助他人脫困的關鍵不是我們之間的專業關係,也不是我們的專業能力、學問、地位、聰明、財富、名聲,而是他者的自覺、行動選擇和因緣果報。 Whatever we do by giving support and companionship, the key to help others relieve from their distress is not the professional relationship between us and them, nor is our expertise, knowledge, position, intelligence, wealth, fame, but their self-awareness, their choices and actions, their nemesis and karma.
    原來我們只能提醒自己,在自以為助人的時候謙卑地、誠懇地與人互動,分享我們的看見和信心。 This is why, as we try to help others, we should always be aware of the need to interact with people humbly and sincerely, openly sharing our insights and our faith.
    原來我們只能要求自己順天、順勢、愛人如己。 We best serve those whom we are called to help if we are able to follow them, and to love them as we love ourself.
    原來如果我們幫助的人得到幫助,唯一的原因是我們歡喜謙卑地成為真理的工具。原來幫助的發生是真理,藉由一個無私無我地工具,令應該得到幫助的人得到幫助。原來我們無私地誠心助人時,我們正走在邁向身心靈健康完整存在的正確道路上。If we are able to do this, truth springs up on its own. When we serve others with benevolence and sincerity we are walking along the holistic path.
    原來我們只是助人自助啊! As noted above, when we help others, we help ourselves at the same time.
    但願我們都能誠懇謙卑不為自己地,陪伴支持他人,終究成就身心靈永恆地完整健康。 Thus, we can all extend sincere, humble and selfless support and companionship to people in need and when we try to do it, it leads us to the wholeness/health of body and spirit.
    陶蕃瀛2014-03-16 Fan-Ying TAO , March 16, 2014
    樂愛自由,喜歡獨自胡思亂想,有時不免被認為在胡說八道。相信一切都是心的遊戲,不說自己不相信的事情。 男,教書為業,待退中。 我在方格子,寫作已整理記錄自己的學思。首先,想將我關於社群、工作、社區的想法整理分享。我斷斷續續關心社群工作與社區已經四十餘年了吧。期待獲得讀者回饋意見與期許。
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