更新於 2024/12/26閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

March 28

【作者】Eileen Caddy 【翻譯】熊倩涵 【編輯】顏士寶
  I AM Spirit. I AM everywhere. I AM in everything. There is nowhere where I AM not. When you fully realise this fact and can accept it, you know that the kingdom of heaven is within you, and you can cease your search and turn within. Then you find within you all you are looking for. How few souls nowadays do it ! They are far too busy searching everywhere for the answers except within. When you can accept that I AM within you, never again will you feel alone; never again will you have to search without for the answer to your problems. But when anything arises which needs answering, you will seek that peace and stillness within, lay your questions and problems before Me, and I will give you the answers. Then you have to learn to obey and to follow out exactly what I reveal to you from within. You have to learn to live by My word and not just hear it .
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