更新於 2020/07/25閱讀時間約 6 分鐘



在平靜中繼續對話To Contiune the Conversation with a Peaceful Mind
Castor6867作品,Written by Castor6867
Jerry強調 「恨」這個字:「我恨住在城市裡。」 Jerry emphasized the word “hate”: “I hate living in the city.”
「那麼去某個小島然後成為那裏的第一位居民啊。」他的太太Marian回答。 “Then go to some island and become the first inhabitant there,” His wife Marian replied.
他們的小孩在臥房裡大哭。 Their kid was crying in the bedroom.
「休息一下吧。」Marian說。 “Get some rest,” Marian said.
「和她獨自一人在家我感到快瘋了。」Jerry說。 “Staying at home alone with her drives me nuts,” Jerry said.
「當一位事業女強人我感到快瘋了。」Marian說。 “Being a business woman drives me nuts,” Marian said.
他們邊說邊到臥室看看他們的小孩怎麼了。 They talked while going to the bedroom and checked their baby if she was alright.
午夜了,又長又累的一天。 It was midnight, a long and a tiring day.
Jerry把寶寶抱在懷中,然後他的太太接過去,他坐在床的邊緣,這是他在這段對話中第一次壓低了聲音:「我沒有辦法習慣在這座城市裡的生活。想像一下我們去鄉下然後住在那裏。」 Jerry held the baby in his arms, and his wife took over. He sat down on the edge of the bed, it was the first time he lowered his voice in this conversation: “I can’t get used to the life in this city. Imagine we go to the countryside and live there.”
「你無法賣掉你的畫作。有人必須去賺錢。」Marian說。 “You can’t sell your paintings. Someone has to make money.”Marian said.
「務農?」 “An agrarian life?”
「不,永遠不。」 “No. Never.”
「我已經兩天沒有睡覺了。」Jerry再次提高了他的聲音。 “I haven’t slept for two days.”Jerry raised his voice again.
「生活不容易。你知道Jessie談戀愛了。」 “Life is not easy. You know Jessie has fallen in love.”
「甚麼戀愛?愛在哪?」 “What love? Where is love?”
靜默。Jerry閉上了他的嘴。 Silence was there in the room. Jerry zipped up his mouth.
「你應該為你妹妹感到高興,Jerry,我愛你,」Marian說,「這個她遇見的男人想要選總統。」 “You should be happy for your sister, Jerry, I love you.”Marian said, “This guy he met wants to run for presidency.”
Jerry看著Marian。 Jerry looked at Marian.
Marian給Jerry看一段在Youtube上的影片。 Marian showed a video on Youtube to Jerry.
「這就像是躺在草原中間然後不怕鄰近的食肉動物。來吧,我一定會享受我人生的這段過程。」 “It’s like lying in the middle of the plain and fear no adjacent predators. Come on, I sure will enjoy this progression in my life.”
「這是他?」Jerry問。 “That’s him?”Jerry asked.
他的名字叫Jerry,跟你一樣。」Marian回答。 “His name is Jerry, just like you.”Marian replied.
Jerry大笑。他們的小孩睡了。Marian把她放下在床上。 Jerry laughed. Their kids fell asleep. Marian put her down on bed.
「放鬆多了吧?我為你做杯飲料。」Marian說。 “Feeling much relaxed? I’ll fix you something to drink.”Marian said.
「白開水就好了。看起來這位Jerry有點古怪。我哪天會跟Jessie聊聊。」Jerry 說。 “Plain water will do. It looks like this Jerry is crazy. I should talk to Jessie some days.”Jerry said.




快發瘋了的Drive me nuts


降低說話聲音Lower his voice




提高說話聲音Raise his voice

閉上Zip up

競選總統Run for presidency






To Continue the Conversation with a Peaceful Mind

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