更新於 2024/01/10閱讀時間約 10 分鐘


(Source: New York Times. Source link quoted above)
WarnerMedia has started an investigation into the workplace environment of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the syndicated program that has been a staple of daytime television since 2003.
“syndicated”用來描述電視節目時,是指節目「賣給多播出單位」,艾倫秀有在多國以各種語言播出。“staple”除了有訂書針的意思之外,還有「主食」、「主要產品」、「主要部分」之義。艾倫秀被說是“a staple of daytime television”,就代表它已是美國人白天不可或缺的娛樂節目。
Executives from Warner Bros Television and the production company Telepictures sent a letter to employees of the talk show last week that outlined the company’s investigation, according to two people with knowledge of the letter.
一般我們對“knowledge”的認知就是某領域的「知識」,但在英文,這個單字還有「知悉」的意思。“with knowledge of the letter”是指對信件的內容有所知悉,知道與這信件有關的「知識」。所以以後您想要表達「知悉」的話,除了只會講“I know”之外,還可以說 “I have knowledge of ...”,聽起來比較正式莊重。
WarnerMedia’s employee relations department, along with representatives from an outside company, will interview current and former staff members about their experiences on the program, the people said.
The decision to start the review followed the publication of articles that included allegations from current and former employees of discrimination and mistreatment. Warner Bros. Television and a representative for Ms. DeGeneres declined to comment.
BuzzFeed News published an article this month that described what it called a “toxic work culture.” In the article, former staff members said they faced “racism, fear and intimidation” and laid most of the blame on three of the show’s executive producers, Ed Glavin, Mary Connelly and Andy Lassner.
BuzzFeed 新聞刊載了一篇文章,描述了該節目惡毒的工作文化,前工作人員表示遭受種族歧視,面臨恐懼和恐嚇。大部分的指責都掃向該節目的三位製作人。
laid(放置)的原形動詞是lay,blame是指責、責罵,“lay (most of) the blame on”字面上是把指責之罪都放在某人身上,在意義上就是把炮口都對準某人。
Former employees said they were fired for taking time off for medical leave or bereavement. Black employees said they experienced racist comments. One said that one of the show’s writers had told her, “I’m sorry, I only know the names of the white people who work here.”
“take time off ”就是所謂的請假,“leave ”是必須暫時離開公司而申請的「假」。假別則有事假(personal leave 私人的假)、病假(medical leave)、產假(maternity leave)、陪產假(paternity leave)、生理假(period leave/menstrual leave)、無薪假(unpaid leave)、喪假(bereavement leave)。至於公假,一般如果對外國人說某人今天請公假不在辦公室,會直接說他出差了(He is on a business trip.)比較自然。
In a joint statement to BuzzFeed News, Mr. Glavin, Ms. Connelly and Mr. Lassner said: “For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen show is completely on us. We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better.”
“for the record”字面上是說「接下來我的所說與所為都是為了做紀錄、為了記錄下來,以備後查」,實際上是「特此強調、鄭重聲明、先聲明好」的意思。
Variety first reported on the WarnerMedia investigation.“The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” the winner of dozens of Emmys, is now on summer hiatus. Warner Bros. has yet to announce how it will go on as the pandemic continues.
Variety 新聞最先揭露報導了這起調查。該節目目前暑期期間暫停錄影。疫情仍在持續,華納尚未宣布未來動向。
Last year, Ms. DeGeneres renewed her contract to continue hosting the program through 2022. She also signed a deal to create three shows for WarnerMedia’s streaming platform, HBO Max.
去年艾倫續約了該節目,要開播到2022年。她也和華納的影音串流平台HBO Max簽約了三個節目。
所謂的「續約」,中文是寫繼續的「續」,但英文的邏輯不同,英文的續約是指「更新」合約(contract ),所以動詞用“renew”是最自然的。


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