2020-11-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

7 Basics to Serving Wine/Glassware : Part 1

Wine Folly 為葡萄酒初學者提供了 7 個喝酒基本侍酒與品飲概念 (原文在此) 今天流浪騙酒師就帶大家細細品嚐 Wine Folly 文章的名言佳字!

版權所有:Wine Folly
版權所有:Wine Folly


  • came out with a line: 這一句其實包含兩個不錯的用詞: 1. come out with (發表/提出/公布/說出) 例句:She comes out with the funny things. 2. line = produce line = 產品
  • feature (v.): 當名詞,很多人都知道是功能 當動詞,就是xx提供哪些功能/特色,通常我會翻成「主打/主推」
  • overkill (n.): 這個詞非常非常的好用,可以用來形容多此一舉、適得其反、畫蛇添足的意思 例句:Should I add a picture, or would that be overkill?
  • novice (n.): 非常實用的名詞,用來形容經驗不足的人,例如新手或菜鳥

1. 好杯子帶你上天堂: A proper glass will make any wine taste better

In 1986, Georg Riedel, a 10th generation Austrian glass maker, came out with a line of affordable machine-made crystal glasses called Vinum. The line featured different glass shapes for different types of wine. It caused a lot of confusion.
1986 年,一位奧地利「杯十代」的工匠 Georg Riedel 發表了一套經濟實惠的水晶機械杯系列產品 - Vinum。這特產品主推不同類型的葡萄酒應該使用不同的杯型,當時在市場上讓消費者摸不著頭緒。
Consumers were accustomed to using just one wine glass and the Vinum line seemed to be complete overkill. Georg Riedel had a clever solution, he started hosting “wine glass tastings” to prove first hand the difference it makes.
當時消費者已經很習慣一個杯型喝到底,Vinum 杯讓消費者感覺是多此一舉。Riedel 想到舉辦「葡萄酒品杯會」讓消費者第一手體驗不同杯型的品飲感覺。
Regardless of his profit motives, Georg was right. Even novice wine tasters noticed a difference between certain glasses. Ten years later, Georg was awarded Decanter Man of The Year for his contribution to the wine world.
先不管 Ridel 是為了推銷杯子賺錢,但他的理論是對的。即使是新手都可以發現不同杯型的品飲差距。十年之後,Ridel 被葡萄酒權威雜誌 Decanter 授與年度風雲人物(Decanter Man of the Year)以表揚其貢獻。


Wine Enthusiast 流浪騙酒師/WineTalk 英國新堡大學口筆譯碩士 英文新聞記者 英文講師
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