2021-02-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

020321 Self& 知己

    Lunch near the beach, during the sunny hours, in winter.  During chewing, saw the dress fashionably lady, sitting lonely elegantly and gracefully near the beach, watching the sea.  Around 15 minutes later, she stood up, rapidly took off her high-heels boots( leaving all her bag and boots aside), walked towards to the beach, stepping and playing with the mild waves.  Appreciate for such a lady, so brave for being herself to enjoy the moment.  After lunch time, shoot the photo of the scenery( for recoding the pure mood then), by load mainly the beach/ocean/sky, secondarily the Casuarina closer, the oyster cultivated racks near, and the boats at the far.  Quickly review the photo taken, saw the above-mentioned lady, walking, towards to a gentleman.  So natural the layout, too professional the performers.  InterestINGly Yours, Love365**Ps. 拍攝沙灘海景, 順手地;海灘人兒入境, 巧合地; 風景的實人兒的在, 妙!Ps. 順勢帶了午餐, 陽光浴賞海景.  坐定後, 看到一旁身著中長裙氣質獨特女孩獨坐著, 似猶豫地; 我回過頭來繼續專心用餐.  女孩決定脫去短靴( 她這豪爽動作跟她的優雅裝扮蠻衝突的, 吸引我的目光), 起立後拎著皮包; 赤腳漫步在沙灘, 與浪花同樂片刻(圖右可人兒).  餐後, 原想紀錄當時無人靜逸景致; 以沙灘海洋天空三區塊極簡地構圖, 用陸地上的木麻黃和海中的蚵架和遠方的船舶點綴.  這知心所向勇敢踏出步伐的女孩入了鏡, 那(確定不是女孩友人的)男孩也入了鏡; 她倆出乎意料地, 幫這風景添了浪漫元素, 曼妙了這幕.
    Lunch near the beach, during the sunny hours, in winter. During chewing, saw the dress fashionably lady, sitting lonely elegantly and gracefully near the beach, watching the sea. Around 15 minutes later, she stood up, rapidly took off her high-heels boots( leaving all her bag and boots aside), walked towards to the beach, stepping and playing with the mild waves. Appreciate for such a lady, so brave for being herself to enjoy the moment. After lunch time, shoot the photo of the scenery( for recoding the pure mood then), by load mainly the beach/ocean/sky, secondarily the Casuarina closer, the oyster cultivated racks near, and the boats at the far. Quickly review the photo taken, saw the above-mentioned lady, walking, towards to a gentleman. So natural the layout, too professional the performers. InterestINGly Yours, Love365** Ps. 拍攝沙灘海景, 順手地; 海灘人兒入境, 巧合地; 風景的實人兒的在, 妙! Ps. 順勢帶了午餐, 陽光浴賞海景. 坐定後, 看到一旁身著中長裙氣質獨特女孩獨坐著, 似猶豫地; 我回過頭來繼續專心用餐. 女孩決定脫去短靴( 她這豪爽動作跟她的優雅裝扮蠻衝突的, 吸引我的目光), 起立後拎著皮包; 赤腳漫步在沙灘, 與浪花同樂片刻(圖右可人兒). 餐後, 原想紀錄當時無人靜逸景致; 以沙灘海洋天空三區塊極簡地構圖, 用陸地上的木麻黃和海中的蚵架和遠方的船舶點綴. 這知心所向勇敢踏出步伐的女孩入了鏡, 那(確定不是女孩友人的)男孩也入了鏡; 她倆出乎意料地, 幫這風景添了浪漫元素, 曼妙了這幕.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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