2. My mom says that you're homeless. Is that true? – Makenzie
No, I'm not homeless. I'm just houseless. Not the same thing, right? - Fern
Fern:「不,我不是…無家可歸,我只是…沒有房子。那不一樣,對吧? 」
3. You know, when you were growing up, you were eccentric to other people. You maybe seemed weird, but it was just because you were braver and more honest than everybody else– Dolly 芬恩因為要向妹妹借錢修車,必須回去一趟,妹妹 Dolly 跟芬恩說:「小時候,別人都覺得你怪。你或看似古怪,那是因為你比別人勇敢,比別人更誠實。」
4. It's strange that you encourage people to invest their whole life savings, go intodebt, just to buy a house they can't afford. - Fern
encourage 動詞 v. 鼓勵
to encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做某事
to encourage sb. in sth. 在某事上支持某人
invest 動詞 v. 投資、投入(時間,金錢等)(+in)
savings 名詞 n. 存款 (複數形式)
debt 名詞 n. 債 go/get into/run up debt 欠債;get out/write off debt 還債
5. What the nomads are doing is not that different than what the pioneers did. I think Fern is part of an American tradition. - Dolly
妹妹 Dolly 為了幫姊姊芬恩辯護,向房仲們說:「遊民所做的事情,跟拓荒者做的沒多大分別。我認為芬恩代表美國的傳統之一。」
7. We not only accept the tyranny of the dollar, the tyranny of the marketplace, we embrace it. We gladly throw the yoke of the tyranny of the dollar on, and lived by it our whole lives. If society was throwing us away and sending us the workhouse out to the pasture, we workhorses had to gather together and take care of each other. And that's what this is all about. The way I see it is that the Titanic is sinking, and economic times are changing. And so my goal is to get the lifeboats out and get as many people into the lifeboats as I can. - Bob
電影中 Bob 在每年舉辦的露營車聚會上,發表了一席談話:「我們承受了美元的暴政,市場的暴政,還欣然接受它,戴著美元暴政的枷鎖,這樣度過了一生。如果社會拋棄我們,把我們扔在牧場,我們這些勞役馬必須團結起來,互相扶持。這就是這個地方的目的。我的看法是鐵達尼號正在沉沒,經濟時代正在改變。因此,我的目標是釋出更多的救生艇,盡我所能讓更多的人登上救生艇。」
tyranny 名詞 n. 暴政;tyrant 名詞 n. 暴君;tyrannical 形容詞 adj. 暴君的
8. One of the things I love most about this life, is that, there's no final goodbye. I've met hundreds of people out here. and I don't ever say a final goodbye. Let's just say,"I'll see you down the road". And I do. I see them again. And I can be certain in my heart, I'll see you again. - Bob
1. You are one of those lucky people that can travel anywhere, and they sometimes call you nomads.
2. I'm not homeless. I'm just houseless. Not the same thing, right?
3. You know, when you were growing up, you were eccentric to other people. You maybe seemed weird, but it was just because you were braver and more honest than everybody else.
4. It's strange that you encourage people to invest their whole life savings, go into debt, just to buy a house they can't afford. 很奇怪啊,你鼓勵大家投入一輩子的積蓄,背負貸款,只為了一棟他們買不起的房子。
5. What the nomads are doing is not that different than what the pioneers did. I think Fern is part of an American tradition.
6. My dad used to say “what's remembered lives”. I maybe spent too much of my life…just remembering. 像我爸以前常說的「被銘記的,就能活著」。我或許一生花太多時間,去銘記他。
7. The way I see it is that the Titanic is sinking, and economic times are changing. And so my goal is to get the lifeboats out and get as many people into the lifeboats as I can. 我的看法是鐵達尼號正在沉沒,經濟時代正在改變。因此,我的目標是釋出更多的救生艇,盡我所能讓更多的人登上救生艇。」
8. One of the things I love most about this life, is that, there's no final goodbye. I've met hundreds of people out here. and I don't ever say a final goodbye. Let's just say,"I'll see you down the road". And I do. I see them again. And I can be certain in my heart, I'll see you again.