歌名tough love翻成嚴厲的愛,但我更傾向翻成鐵血的愛(笑)如果直接去Cambridge Dictionary查,會查到它的解釋是“為迫使某人解決自身問題而采取的强制手段”,用途更加廣汎一些。我還聯想到《舞孃俱樂部》裏的一首歌Tough Lover,這裏的tough意思就比較不一樣,形容人的時候可以指這個人很强勢或是很堅韌,例如mentally tough可以形容人内心堅强。
- Lady Tremaine: Ever since I was a girl, my own mother vowed (that) I must find the way to power through a noble brow. “vow”有宣誓、發誓的意思;“the way to power”通往權力的道路,way後面如果要加上目的地,介係詞用“to/into”;“brow”可以指眉頭或眉毛(eyebrow),也可以指高峰(the summit of a hill or pass),這裏比喻階級、層次,“noble(高貴的) brow”可以翻成貴族階級,或現代來説大概就是名流權貴。從我還是小女孩以來,我媽就發誓要讓我藉助權貴找到通往權力的路。
- Lady Tremaine: I married once for love, then my senses came: I must marry for the stature of my husband's name. 這一段讓我有點忍俊不住,原來Lady Tremaine也有純情少女的時候,但那句“then my senses came”又顯得大夢初醒:她不該嫁給愛情,而是要嫁給丈夫的名聲所能帶來的名望和勢力。“stature”可以指一個人的身高、身材,也可以指一個人藉由能力或成就達成的名譽或重要性。
- Lady Tremaine: (Moving) Onto marriage No. 2, I knew what I had to do. And my poor husband fell ill in a year or two. 到了第二段婚姻,我知道這次該怎麽做才能達成目的,所以我可憐的丈夫婚後一兩年就生病(fall ill)了。
- Lady Tremaine: Would I ship her off to school? No! I told her if she stayed, then she'd have to earn her keep, and so she became the maid. “ship off”是送走的意思,“ship”在動詞的時候只代表運送,不一定是海運哦(笑);“earn one's keep”意思是賺錢維持生計;“maid”就是女僕。
- Lady Tremaine: She was hopelessly naive, so she had to pay the price. “hopelessly naive”是很好用的詞“無可救藥地天真”,大概就是傻白甜之類的;“pay the price”付出代價。
- Lady Tremaine: I moved her to the attic out of sight and out of mind. “attic”是閣樓(其實我一直蠻想住住看閣樓的,不過聽説夏天超曬冬天又會積雪);“out of sight, out of mind”是英文俚語,眼不見為净的意思。
- Sisters: Mother, your heart's too big for you. “have a big heart”有慷概、心胸寬大的意思。另外分享我很喜歡《快樂脚2》裏的一句歌詞“You don't need to be colossal to be a great heart.”你不需要長得很高大,也可以有一顆寬廣的心。
- Lady Tremaine: After all, difficult children will take advantage of your good nature. “after all”意思是畢竟;“difficult children”在中文就是我們説的問題兒童;“take advantage of”利用;“nature”這裏指人的本性,而“good nature”一般指善良、友好的性格,相反詞可以是“bad nature”或“harmful nature”。
- Lady Tremaine: There's one on every family tree: ungrateful, hateful, vile. “family tree”直翻是家庭樹,就是家譜;“vile”是卑鄙的。這句的意思是每個家族總會出一個這樣不知感恩、可恨又卑鄙的人。
- Lady Tremaine: Is it a crime to strive for perfection in all things? “strive for”是花費所有心力爭取的意思,影片裏的翻譯就很貼切了:“ strive for perfection in all things”=事事力求完美,其他常見的用法:“strive for greatness”會被拿來做“自强不息”的翻譯,“strive for progress”=力求進步。
- Mother Gothel: All the screaming, nagging chilled me to the bone. “scream”尖叫;“nag”嘮叨;“chill someone to the bone”讓人不寒而慄。
- Mother Gothel: Years went by, oh, the sacrifice. And against my better judgment, I fed her once or twice. “sacrifice”是犧牲;“against one's judgment”違背某人的判斷/意願。其實看《魔髮奇緣》感覺Mother Gothel還是把Rapunzel養得挺好的啦......不然頭髮也不會那麽長那麽有光澤(笑)
- Mother Gothel: Manipulation is easily more fun. “manipulate”(動詞)是操縱的意思,用法跟中文接近,可以指實物、器械的操作(manipulate a machine),可以指在某些程序上動手脚(manipulate a report, manipulate the market),也可以指操控人的意志(manipulate one's emotions, manipulate public opinion操縱輿論)。
- Mother Gothel: Remind them that without you, they'd shrivel up and die. “shrivel up”之前在蔬菜裏有講過,因失去水分或遇熱而縮水,這邊應該是比喻人慢慢地就沒命了吧。
- Mother Gothel: They only have themselves to blame. “blame”意思是責怪、怪罪,“someone is to blame”意思是某人是應該被怪罪的,即某人是有罪責的。但這句翻爲“他們只能怪罪他們自己”的確比較順口。
- Mother Gothel: So work them hard until they fall in line. “fall in/into line”這裏意思是服從,後面可以加介係詞“with sth./sb.”,例如“fall in line with your mother's expectations”。也可以用在祈使句,表示排隊,跟“line up”的意思一樣。
- Mother Gothel: There's one way and it's only mine. 這句很簡單,但很霸氣:這世界只有一個規矩,那就是遵循我(的規矩)。
- Lady Tremaine: The children are spoiled. “spoil”這邊是溺愛的意思,片語用法可以說“spoil someone rotten”,其中“rotten(腐壞)”當作後位强調,就是寵壞的意思。有一句英文俚語是“spare the rod and spoil the child”,“spare”有省下、留下的意涵,比較有意思的翻法是“省下了棍子,寵壞了孩子”。
- The Evil Queen: Govern them with a heart of stone. “a heart of stone”很好理解就是鐵石心腸。
- The Evil Queen: These wretched brats think the world owes them something, but it doesn't. “wretched”粗鄙低下的;“brat”小鬼,通常是有點屁孩的那種;“owe”欠,可以說“I owe you.”表示這次我先欠你個人情。
- The Evil Queen: Far and wide, I ruled the kingdom with a heavy hand. “far and wide”表示幅員廣闊;“rule/treat with a heavy hand”意思是以高壓手段統治對待人民。
- The Evil Queen: She was chubby; she was dumb and grotesquely optimistic. “chubby”是豐滿、臃腫;“dumb”是説不出話、喑啞,這邊大概是指言語笨拙;“grotesquely(異常、怪誕地) optimistic”超級樂觀的意思。
- The Evil Queen: She needed structure in her life. “structure”是結構、格局的意思,形容詞“structured”意思是有組織、有條理的,所以這句可以翻譯成“她的生活需要規矩/秩序”。建立生活的秩序可以說“creat structure for one's life”。
- The Evil Queen: She had sealed her fate.“seal”是密封的意思, 前一陣子開始流行DIY的封蠟章英文就是wax(蠟) seal stamp。這句直接翻譯是“她的命運已經注定了、沒有轉圜的餘地了”,不過一般來説這個注定的結局都是悲慘居多,所以也可以直接理解為“完蛋了;死定了”,例如 If you fail this exam and your overall grade is low enough for expulsion, you have sealed your fate. 如果你考試沒及格加上GPA低到會被退學,你就死定了。
- The Evil Queen: An apple once a day keeps your enemies away. 原本的英文俚語是 An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我。這邊不論英文還是中文的改編都完美!而且The Evil Queen的聲音超級性感!!!
- Lady Tremaine: Give an inch and they'll run/take a mile. 是一句英文俚語,就是中文的“得寸進尺”。
- The Evil Queen: Turning their dreams to dust. 把他們的夢粉碎成塵埃。
- 其他生字:
doe-eyed 眼神天真的(doe是母鹿的意思,就是《真善美》那個“Doe, a deer, a female deer.”的doe啦)
benevolent 仁慈(字首“bene-”是“well”的意思,中間“vol”在拉丁文裏是“wish”的意思,所以benevolent意思就是(someone who is) wishing well。)
hold the power 擁有力量
guilt 罪惡感
desolate 凄涼、落寞的
wicked 邪惡的