British Medical Journal,英國醫學期刊(簡稱 BMJ),創始於1840年,在醫學研究領域享有盛名。本系列精選BMJ所發行之3百多題Statistical Question,採用中英對照有興趣的朋友們可進行回答。各題都有詳細說明。預計每周末出刊。
匯東華的周末統計小小問題 :D
British Medical Journal,英國醫學期刊(British Medical Journal,簡稱 BMJ),是一份同行評審性質的綜合醫學期刊,創始於1840年,是最古老的醫學期刊之一。2020年的IF=39.890,在醫學研究領域享有盛名。
BMJ自2008年9月開始至2015年由兩位流行病與統計學專家持續出了300多期Statistical question系列。在這個系列中,兩位學者每次出一道統計與流行病學有關的選擇題作答及解釋。本系列將精選Statistical Question,採用中英對照,有興趣的朋友們可進行回答。
BMJ 統計問題(2):如何開始探索連續性變項的分布?
How would you best begin to explore the distribution of a continuous variable?
a) Scatter plot (散佈圖)
b) Box plot (箱型圖)
c) Histogram (直方圖)
d) Hypothesis test (假設檢定)
Scatter plots usually display the relation between two continuous variables plotted on the x and y axes. A one way scatter plot may be used to display a single continuous variable, but a disadvantage is that the plot may be difficult to read if too many points lie close together.
Box plots display only a summary of the data, and some of the information about the shape of the distribution is obscured. For example, a box plot may extend from the 25th centile to the 75th centile and contain a line representing the median. Lines projecting out from the box may be added (“whiskers”) to display more extreme parts of the distribution of values.
A histogram is perhaps the most commonly used graphical method of displaying either continuous data, such as height, or discreet data, such as mortality. The horizontal axis displays the limits that are used for each interval. For each interval a rectangular column centred on the midpoint is drawn rising from the horizontal axis. The vertical axis measures the number of values that fall within each interval or, if desired, the percentage of values that fall within each interval.
Hypothesis testing is not a method for displaying data.
所以答案是選擇C: Histogram (直方圖)
改編自:BMJ Statistical Question與「醫學論文與統計分析」鄭衛軍老師