終於在Holiday House 看到其他夥伴。大家在戶外板凳上吃了簡單的午餐,迫不及待地去Waterfall (Dog Stream) Track,山中mountain beech forest與ferns極為美麗。最有趣的是春日冰雪未融,越往高處,積雪越厚,極為濕滑;近瀑布處,步道甚窄,且山谷幽深,還真令人戒慎恐懼呢。當然趣味往往存在危險之中,因挑戰才有機會展現身手,控制心靈的恐懼,進而全身而退則令人心滿意足。Di 是我們的領隊,她不喜歡原路折返,所以我們選擇一條似乎少人行的步道,大部分時候我們走在森林中,必須雙手扳開叢林才能穿越。最後眼看無路可走,我們從一高處跳下或坐著溜下去。結束時大家還比賽誰的屁股沾了最多汙泥呢。印象最深的是,當我們停在面臨山谷曲折的步道討論路線時,已經八十五歲的女士V居然止不住地向前衝,眼看就要衝入山谷,在眾人張目睛觀看無法出手攔住她時,她煞住了,但我們也嚇出一身冷汗。
挑戰Mt Isobel
Mt Isobel 是此次登山主題,九月五日周六一早我們準備出征。起初走Chatterton River Track,因雪融化,黃土步道極為泥濘濕滑,更多時候彷彿走在小河床中,那可能是多雨時節沖刷形成的。後來我才知比起之後的步道,這算是容易的。行走時,我顧慮自己的膝蓋與避免滑倒,常放慢腳步,於是腳程快的人例如C常忍不住地趕過我。雖有體能不如人的挫折感,但我提醒自己登山並非競速。
無論如何,這是我第一次來到Hanmer Springs,我不想只住在度假旅社與登山,我徵求R同意,當他們夫妻品嘗咖啡時,讓我獨自遊逛。小城只有一條主要街道,從南端溫泉區兩旁遍植樹木的街道,走到北端Conical Hill 步道的起點,不必二十分鐘,我玩賞Old post餐廳,The Village 是一個迷你的購物中心,然後我走進TAIT GALLERY 參觀繪畫與藝品,有不少各國餐館,兒童遊樂園,幾間價格高貴的服飾店。這確實是一個精緻優雅,無處不美的觀光小城。
Hanmer Springs Trip 04/09/2021
I have been looking forward to going tramping in Hanmer Springs. This trip was very unforgetable. Spring was coming in September, even though the snow covered the track and the mountain. Furthermore, I realized that we could have an accident whenever we go tramping.
After arriving at Hanmer Springs , we walked the Waterfall Track in order to make most of the afternoon. The track was nice and easy but the snow covered the track. It looked pretty and made us excited. Unfortunately, it was slippery. I was scared when we stood on the snow to view the waterfall. While we were discussing about which track we should go, V who was 85years old, couldn’t stop herself to run down the track. The valley was steep and the track was bent and narrow. Fortunately, she stopped and kept safe. Though, we were terrified. That was Friday.
We challenged Mt Isobel summit on Saturday. Some friends just walked half way and turned back. On our way to Jack Pass, V’s boots broke so that Di our leader fixed them and asked R a very fit man ran back to the car park and came back to pick V up. It was slippery, windy and cold while we climbing up the summit. After reaching on the summit, Di asked us to have a short lunch then rushed back. When we nearly arrived at Jack Pass, C fell over and hurt her arm. Lesley a nurse tied her arm with bandage. C had to walk to Jack Pass to go to the emergency car although she was in pain. Di and Lesley went to hospital with C. E took care of the trip instead.
I have been enjoying tramping since I was young. I didn’t know it was dangerous until this trip. I also leant that being a leader is a hard job.