I enjoy the YouTube programme a lot! 我很享受那個YouTube節目!
We are indulging in the summer vacation. 我們正在享受暑假。
這裡的part of speech (詞性,即verb 動詞、noun 名詞等) 只聚焦在句子中該字詞的詞性,並不列出該字表身的所有詞性屬性,以免混淆。
寵物 (n.) pets
I would love to keep some pets. 我想養一些寵物。
Before they keep a pet, they should think twice. 他們養寵物之前應先三思。
A帶來的B (A=因;B=果)
A is bought by B. = A 被B 帶來。
被動句=有「被」的句子,例如上面這一句。而被動句(passive voice)的基本結構是「be+pp」,pp是past participle,就是動詞表的" do did done"的最後一個(done) 之流的動詞。所以,要造被動句,基本元素是先寫 be (is/am/are是be變出來的三個可能性),後寫pp,而由於只有動詞才有pp,所以即等於
被動句= be + verb in pp form (以pp形式出現的動詞)
Happiness is bought by money. 快樂是被金錢所帶來的。
Severe injuries and death are bought by the accident. 嚴重的傷亡被意外引起。
歡樂 (n.) joy / happiness/ delight
What is joy? 什麼是快樂?
Happiness is what drives him to learn English. 快樂是驅使他學習英文的原因。
My friends always bring me delight of the day. 我的朋友每天都為我帶來快樂。
忽略 (v.) ignore/ neglect
You should not ignore your family even you are busy. 即使你忙碌著,也不應忽略家人。
There are many who neglect the importance of English in life. 有很多人都忽略了英文在生活中的重要性。
...的責任 (n. phr.) responsibility of .....
It is the responsibility of taking care of the welfare of citizens that should be carried out by the government. 政府應履行照顧市民福祉的責任。
The responsibility of presenting the product in the meeting is ours. 我們負責在會議中展示和介紹產品。
照顧(phr.) look after // take care of
I am taking care of my dog. 我在照顧我(養)的狗。
I need to look after my cat. 我需要照顧我(養)的貓。
When we indulge in the happiness bought by our pets, we should never neglect the responsibility of taking care of them.