【三顧茅蘆,被看見的美】"請邀請我" 。投射者俱樂部
二分人(Single Split)
我確實要談論 Projector (導能者/投射者/策劃者)的兩個領域,它們都代表著導能者的矛盾困境,而談論導能者的第一件事就是區分定義(Split definition)。在我們有了區分定義的那一刻,大約有45%的人類擁有區分定義,而我並不是在談論三分人(triple split)或四分人(quadruple split),我只是在談論兩個相互分離的區分定義區域。一個基本區分定義。人類大約有45%擁有它。
遠距二分人(Wide split)
Projectors, do you know how to say No?
Single Split
There are two areas of the projector that I really want to talk about and both of them represent deep dilemmas for the projector and the first thing to talk about the projector that is a split definition. The moment that we have a split definition, about 45% of humanity have split definitions and I'm not talking about triple splits or quadruple splits, I’m just talking about two areas of definition, separated from each other. A basic split definition. About 45% of humanity have it.
And of course, what that means is that you have a fundamental openness in you that is always looking for a bridge, always looking for a bridge. When we talk about in an analytical training about understanding the hierarchy of conditioning, that though we look at conditioning generally through open centers and the strategies, the notself strategies of open centers, that when you're dealing with the split definition, that the deepest conditioning is in the bridges itself. In other words one is always looking for that way to be whole. Remember the genetic imperative that we have.
That is the way in which we are designed genetically is that we are designed to be attracted to something that is different. It is what keeps the gene pool viable. And because we are fundamentally attracted to what is different, it means that we are always attracted to what is not us in that sense. And that if your split definition that very openness waiting for that bridge means that you're deeply, deeply, deeply longing for that completion.
We already know the dilemma of the projector, in the sense that they are wandering around, trying to find the right sources to align to. But when you're dealing with a projector that is a split definition on top of it, it can become both obsessive and dangerous for them. And it leads to something, that anyone with the split definition really begins to express and that is blame, blame. And one of the great, great places for the expression of projector’s bitterness, is through blame.
Let's say that you're a projector and all it takes to bring your split together is one single activation, just a gate. That's you blaming yourself. That thing that you don't have, you blame yourself, that you don't have it. And you spend your whole life looking for it. And you will plug into anyone who has it. In the hope that it'll sort of rub off on you. And of course it does not. And so you blame yourself. I don't have that thing, therefore I am not worthy. I am not good and if I had that thing everything would be terrific. So these beings with the split definition that are projectors and they only have one gate necessary to bring the bridge together, they are always bitter about themselves. They are not bitter about the world. They’re bitter about themselves. They're bitter about how they look, the way they are, goes on and on and on and on and on because they're constantly blaming themselves, for lacking this wholeness.
Wide split.
And then you have the other side of the coin. You have the projectors who are a split definition and it takes more than a channel to bring it together. And there are a lot of these projectors. They blame everybody. They don’t blame themselves. They don't know how to blame themselves. They blame everybody, for everything, that doesn't work. And one of the ways in which this bitterness gets so deep in the projector process, is that the longer they indulge in blame, the richer the bitterness is. And you see because projectors have this gift for recognizing. This not-self projector is very good at recognizing not self-things to blame. I mean it's great at being able to blame. Wonderful. Blame, shame, quite a thing. All the goes back to the same dilemma. See if you’re generator and you’re split definition, you have your moment by moment authority to guide you. You don't end up in the same trip.