The essential masculine ecstasy is in the moment of release from constraint. This could occur when facing death and living through it, succeeding in (and thus being released from) your purpose, and in competition (which is ritual threat of death). The masculine is always seeking release from constraint into freedom.
當年那一季找了次中量級兩大明星,不敗神話「骨頭」Jon Jones 與 拳頭和嘴巴文武雙全的 Chael Sonnen 來當兩隊的教練,但真正吸引我關注這個運動,除了兩大教練的星度與技術之外,絕對是因為每一集中總是貼身報導、紀錄著個別選手為了贏下合約所付出的血汗與心酸,讓電視前的觀眾似乎能和螢幕裡的選手產生無形的連結,同理選手的喜怒哀樂,最終獲得勝利榮耀的時候,觀眾也好像是自己拿下戰役一樣,滿足自己的勝負欲之外,進而在節目結束後對這個運動投入更多的關注,就像是某種 Gateway drug 一般。
Everything is a fight in the UFC. A fight to get paid. A fight to get credit. A fight to get what you think you deserve. Because fighting is just like life.
It’s watching someone fight for their family, for their reputation, to prove something to the world. It’s watching their dreams get taken away from them or beaten out of them in public.
These fighters share the highest form of vulnerability. Their fights teach your real life lessons about perseverance, about losing, about self doubt, about self belief, and about karma.
They don’t just fight for money or for their family. As viewers, they fight to teach us something about ourself, about adversity, about life. Like, your biggest strength and can also be your biggest weakness; you can do everything right and not just get the results that you deserve; that you should remain humble or life will humble you.