聽歌_You And Me_ One Night Only band

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*'You And Me' One Night Only (聽不清楚歌聲 欣賞音樂與畫面吧 輕鬆的感覺)

*'Say You Don't Want It' Official Video featuring Emma Watson - One Night Only
Official Video
2003年成軍於英格蘭赫爾姆斯利的獨立流行樂團One Night Only~於今年8月23日發行第2張錄音室專輯One Night Only~雖然曾經因為曲風與英國另類搖滾樂團The Kooks及Razorlight類似引來不少批評~但在這張專輯當中我們更可以看見他們在音樂的成長及蛻變。
首波主打單曲Say You Don't Want It熱力四射的吉他與鍵琴音浪~帶領著聽者回溯復古風潮~音樂錄影帶在紐約拍攝~由James Lees執導~找來現年20歲、憑著飾演電影系列“哈⋯⋯利波特”中妙麗一角紅足影壇十年、與主唱George Craig (born 11 July 1990)已公開戀情的女星Emma Watson友情客串演出MV~此曲本週﹝第34週﹞空降英金榜第23名。
*One Night Only - Just For Tonight

*One Night Only - Forget My Name (Live From Bush Hall, 2010)

One Night Only (band) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Night_Only_(band)

One Night Only are an English indie rock band from Helmsley, North Yorkshire formed in 2003.[1]

Origin Helmsley, England
Genres Alternative rock, pop punk, indie rock
Years active 2003 - present
Labels Vertigo (UK)
Associated acts Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong
Website onenightonlyonline.com
George Craig - Vocals/Guitar
Jack Sails - Keyboard
Mark Hayton - Guitar
Daniel Parkin - Bass
James Craig - Drums
Past members :Kai Smith/Sam Ford
One Night Only formed in summer 2003, consisting initially of Mark “Mittens” Hayton, Daniel “POB” Parkin, Sam “Gunner” Ford and Kai Smith. The band did not have a vocalist until George Craig, a friend of Ford's brother, joined in a practice. He was asked to be the vocalist, but insisted on playing guitar as well. Smith then left the band.[2] Contrary to some reports, they did not start out as a Beatles cover band — they initially played songs by bands such as Blink-182, New Found Glory[3] and the Beatles, as well as some of their own material.
The name, One Night Only, came about when asked to play a gig. They did not have a name at the time and so came up with One Night Only, intending the title to, literally, last for only one night, however the name stuck to this day. They performed their first gig on 12 December 2003 in Kirkbymoorside Memorial Hall,[4] which became a popular venue in their early days. In 2005, keyboardist Jack "Fish" Sails joined the band.[5] The band have appeared on The Friday Night Project, performing their third single “It's About Time”. George Craig also appeared on Hollyoaks, performing an acoustic version of the same song.
In 2007, the band toured with Milburn and The Pigeon Detectives. Their first headline tour started in January 2008, ending in March. Their biggest headline tour to date took place in Autumn 2008. They also played at several festivals, including Isle of Wight, Oxegen and Glastonbury. The band have done a subsequent tour, supported by Northern Irish rock trio General Fiasco, Onlookers and other bands, at venues such as the Lincoln Engine Shed and The Astoria.
They started their latest tour on 15 June 2010.
[edit] Started a Fire (2007–2008)
Their debut album Started a Fire was recorded at RAK Studios in St John's Wood, London from August to September 2007. The album was produced by Steve Lillywhite more famously known for his work with U2 having recently been asked to return to help out with their latest album No Line on the Horizon.
"You and Me" was their debut single, released in October 2007. It failed to break into the UK Top 40 however, peaking at #46. “Just For Tonight”, the second single to be released from their album, achieved better success, reaching #9 in the UK Singles Chart. The single was released in 28 January 2008, with the album being released a week later on 4 February 2008. “It's About Time” was the third single to be released on the 28 April 2008. It failed to reach the success of "Just For Tonight", peaking at #37 in the chart. On 7 July 2008, a fourth single, a re-release of "You And Me", was released, charting at #1 for 5 weeks in the indie charts.
[edit] One Night Only (2008–2010)
The band are said to have written over 25 new songs since releasing Started a Fire. Originally due to be released in the summer of 2009, the self-titled album was finally released late August 2010. It was originally set to include new songs such as; “Intention Confidential”, “A Thousand Dreams” and “Daydream” which were performed on their tour in October as well as “Live It Up” and “Hurricane” which had clips shown in a web video uploaded by them. None of these songs made the final tracklist, although “Daydream” and “Hurricane” were recorded as a B-side and an iTunes bonus track, respectively.
On 19 March 2010, it was announced via the band's email newsletter and MySpace that recording of their second album was finished. The band also announced the departure of drummer Sam Ford. George Craig's brother, James Craig, formerly of Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong, was announced as the band's new drummer in the same newsletter.[6]
The band also performed new songs off their new album during their 2010 Austin, Texas tour at the SXSW festival. Six new songs made their debut: “Chemistry”, “Anything”, “Forget My Name”, “Say You Don't Want It”, “Got It All Wrong” and “All I Want”. On 12 May 2010, the band made a ONO Wednesday about their second album photo shoot.
The first single taken from the new album will be "Say You Don't Want It" which was released on August 16. A music video has been released to accompany the song, featuring Emma Watson[7]. On August 22nd 2010 the song entered the UK Singles Chart at 23. The album, which will be self-titled, followed a week later on 23 August 2010. [8]
[edit] ONO Wednesdays
After the success of their Started A Fire tour in October 2008, the band released a video of themselves playing golf onto MySpace and YouTube. The success of this video influenced the band to release a video every Wednesday, keeping the fans informed on what the band are up to. On the Week 20 (April 1) edition of the videos, a sample of a new song, “Tonight”, was used. On the Week 29 (3 June) edition, the band preview performances from a New York show for fashion label Burberry, including new songs “This Is a Hurricane” and “Live It Up” along with a short clip of the studio version of “This Is a Hurricane” at the end.
On 28 April 2010, at the end of their video “It's Alright — Live in Helmsley”, they played a clip of the final studio version of “Say You Don't Want It”. They have put the same teaser at the end of their latest videos as well.
[edit] Band members
George Craig – lead vocals, guitar (2003–present)
Mark Hayton – guitar, backing vocals (2003–present)
Daniel Parkin – bass (2003–present)
Jack Sails – keyboards, backing vocals (2005–present)
James Craig – drums (2010–present)
Kai Smith – guitar (2003)
Sam Ford – drums (2003–2010)
[edit] Discography
[edit] Albums
Started a Fire (2008) #10 UK
One Night Only (2010) #36 UK


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Jake Miller - Lucky Me(我是如此幸運) Do you remember back on the first night 你記不記得第一天的夜晚 Shoulder to shoulder, playing the piano in my room 肩並肩 在我的房間裡彈鋼
我對眾人的夢境毫不關心因為裡面並沒有你的存在 - JEONGHAN X WONWOO (淨漢X圓佑) <Last Night>
ONE OK ROCK是我上學前、放學後必聽的,其他不管是無聊還是在運動我都會聽。可以說我每天都一定會聽他們的歌,而且是一聽就會一首接著一首,壞處可能就是會耽誤到原本訂好要開始做事的時間了吧~
今天讓自己放一天假,沒下雨的天空仍然灰暗但是帶點涼意。依然進行每日的晨間儀式-為自己沖一杯咖啡。覺得此時此刻很適合聆聽 Sting所唱的My One and Only Love (我唯一的愛),或許最近時常彈奏這首曲子,所以聽起來特別有共鳴。 Sting 的 "My One and On
一直以來算是以路人飯身份喜歡著2AM,雖然沒有非常認真追他們,不過他們每一首經典作品,還有在綜藝上活躍的模樣,都是我童年與青春裡很重要的一部分。 不知不覺就這樣關注了15年。 前年他們辦全員軍畢後第一場演唱會,卻因為集體確診新冠而延期。本來沒有買線上直播的我,瞬間覺得真的要把握每一次機會,聽聽喜
「分手後,我希望你過得很好。」說出這句話時,有多少人是真心的? Emily Burns和JP Cooper合唱的《Is It Just Me?》誠實的唱出大部分人分手後真實的心聲。或許自私;也許殘忍,但當你一個人承受著分手的痛楚時,你希望他也和你一樣受分離的折磨。《Is It Just Me?》於
二創藝術家將 2009 年電影「500 days of summer 戀夏500日」 片段配上了英國搖浪樂團 The Smiths 1992年發布的流行曲《There is a light and it never goes out》,效果好美,筆者三創撰寫類似劇情的故事。
在記憶中你名字的分量讓我感到安心,我會變得堅強。 你從未離我遠去,但你是如此接近,卻又如此遙遠,就像月亮和星星一樣,一點點地透過雲朵閃閃發光,今晚你還是神采奕奕出現在我夢裡。
Jake Miller - Lucky Me(我是如此幸運) Do you remember back on the first night 你記不記得第一天的夜晚 Shoulder to shoulder, playing the piano in my room 肩並肩 在我的房間裡彈鋼
我對眾人的夢境毫不關心因為裡面並沒有你的存在 - JEONGHAN X WONWOO (淨漢X圓佑) <Last Night>
ONE OK ROCK是我上學前、放學後必聽的,其他不管是無聊還是在運動我都會聽。可以說我每天都一定會聽他們的歌,而且是一聽就會一首接著一首,壞處可能就是會耽誤到原本訂好要開始做事的時間了吧~
今天讓自己放一天假,沒下雨的天空仍然灰暗但是帶點涼意。依然進行每日的晨間儀式-為自己沖一杯咖啡。覺得此時此刻很適合聆聽 Sting所唱的My One and Only Love (我唯一的愛),或許最近時常彈奏這首曲子,所以聽起來特別有共鳴。 Sting 的 "My One and On
一直以來算是以路人飯身份喜歡著2AM,雖然沒有非常認真追他們,不過他們每一首經典作品,還有在綜藝上活躍的模樣,都是我童年與青春裡很重要的一部分。 不知不覺就這樣關注了15年。 前年他們辦全員軍畢後第一場演唱會,卻因為集體確診新冠而延期。本來沒有買線上直播的我,瞬間覺得真的要把握每一次機會,聽聽喜
「分手後,我希望你過得很好。」說出這句話時,有多少人是真心的? Emily Burns和JP Cooper合唱的《Is It Just Me?》誠實的唱出大部分人分手後真實的心聲。或許自私;也許殘忍,但當你一個人承受著分手的痛楚時,你希望他也和你一樣受分離的折磨。《Is It Just Me?》於
二創藝術家將 2009 年電影「500 days of summer 戀夏500日」 片段配上了英國搖浪樂團 The Smiths 1992年發布的流行曲《There is a light and it never goes out》,效果好美,筆者三創撰寫類似劇情的故事。
在記憶中你名字的分量讓我感到安心,我會變得堅強。 你從未離我遠去,但你是如此接近,卻又如此遙遠,就像月亮和星星一樣,一點點地透過雲朵閃閃發光,今晚你還是神采奕奕出現在我夢裡。