2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘



    1. Let the Cat out of the Bag(洩漏秘密)
      • 解釋: 意指不小心透露了一個本應保密的秘密。
      • 例句: "She let the cat out of the bag by accidentally mentioning the surprise party to the birthday girl."
    2. Curiosity Killed the Cat(好奇心害死貓)
      • 解釋: 提醒人們不要過於好奇,因為它可能導致危險或問題。
      • 例句: "I know you're curious, but remember, curiosity killed the cat."
    3. Cat Got Your Tongue?(貓咬了你的舌頭嗎?)
      • 解釋: 用來詢問某人為什麼不說話或保持沉默。
      • 例句: "You've been quiet all evening; cat got your tongue?"
    4. Like a Cat on a Hot Tin Roof(像貓在熱錫屋頂上一樣)
      • 解釋: 形容某人非常緊張、焦慮或不安。
      • 例句: "He was pacing back and forth before the big presentation, like a cat on a hot tin roof."
    5. Grinning Like a Cheshire Cat(像切謝爾貓一樣咧著嘴笑)
      • 解釋: 形容某人露出特別寬的笑容。
      • 例句: "When she saw the surprise, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat."
    6. Cat Nap(小睡)
      • 解釋: 像貓咪一樣在白天小睡一會兒,意指短暫的小睡。
      • 例句: "I'll take a cat nap to recharge before the evening event."
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