您的脖子是什麼顏色 (What Color is Your Neck)

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《佛光教科書‧菩薩行證》"Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: Bodhisattva Practice"

《佛光教科書‧菩薩行證》"Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: Bodhisattva Practice"

What Color is Your Neck 

I still remember an afternoon years ago, attending the class "Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism: Bodhisattva Practice" at Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Hsi Lai Temple. The textbook said that the term "Bodhisattva" is derived from the Sanskrit word, where "Bodhi" means "enlightened" and "Sattva" means "sentient being." Anyone who becomes awakened to the suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of life, and aspires to seek the Buddha's path while guiding sentient beings, whether a monastic or a layperson, regardless of social status, as long as they give rise to the Bodhi mind, qualifies as a Bodhisattva. 

The teaching Venerable introduced how Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva manifests in various forms to rescue those in suffering and distress. Thus, the representations of this Bodhisattva have distinct characteristics, such as the "White-Robed Avalokitesvara," "Bamboo Grove Avalokitesvara," "Fish Basket Avalokitesvara," etc. (some say there are thirty-three manifestations). I felt drowsy during the class, but somehow became fully alert when the term "Green-Necked Avalokitesvara" was mentioned - likely because that name contains the Chinese character for "green," which is also part of my own name. 

As the name suggests, the "Green-Necked Avalokitesvara" has a green neck. Why is that? The legend goes that when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva subdued demons and rescued sentient beings, in order to prevent poisonous toxins from spreading and harming others, she swallowed the poison, causing her neck to turn green. The Green-Necked Avalokitesvara, also known as the "Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva of the Green Neck," eradicates all fears and hardships. If any sentient being devoutly recites His name, they can transcend fear and adversity, attaining liberation. 

I remember the teaching Venerable comparing harmful speech to poison, asking us: "Is harmful speech like poison? Can we follow the example of the Green-Necked Avalokitesvara and swallow the harmful words instead of uttering them?" He then encouraged us not only to refrain from harmful speech, but also to speak more kind-hearted words. 

I think I am unqualified. I'm not sure when it started, maybe after a few experiences where I misjudged people's intentions. I began to doubt the sincerity behind compliments and encouragements. Some people say nice things to push you into doing something because they themselves don't want to do it! Could it be that I also don't genuinely say nice things?

So, to believe in words, yet observe actions, as written by FGS founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun in "Humble Table, Wise Fare": 

To trust words without observing deeds is the folly of the wise; To trust deeds without observing words is the wisdom of fools; 

To observe both words and deeds is the wisdom of the wise; To observe neither words nor deeds is the folly of fools. 

I also realized that while some truthful remarks may hurt, they hold more value than empty compliments. The key is to articulate potentially hurtful words with care and sensitivity. The proverb goes: "A kind word warms three winters; a harsh word chills like a bitter June." The principle is echoed in the "Contemplation of the Buddha of  Infinite Life Sutra," emphasizing that coarse language harms oneself and others—it is harmful to all. Cultivating and using good language benefits oneself and others—it is mutually beneficial. 

Speaking truly is an art form, no wonder the writer Hemingway said, "It takes two years to learn to speak and a lifetime to learn to shut up."As written by FGS founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun in "Humble Table, Wise Fare":

Words spoken in joy often lack discretion; Words spoken in anger often lack propriety.

Words spoken in sorrow often lack moderation; Words spoken in happiness often lack composure.

(Note: Words spoken in joy often lack discretion; in moments of happiness, individuals may become carried away by their emotions and speak without careful consideration. Words spoken in anger often lack propriety; when angry, people may speak impulsively or without regard for social norms. Words spoken in sorrow often lack moderation; during times of grief, emotions may fluctuate greatly, leading to unstable or inappropriate speech. Words spoken in happiness often lack composure; in moments of joy, excessive excitement or exuberance may result in inappropriate behavior or speech.)

What color is your neck? 


文字小工 的其他內容
On April 18, during the Water and Land Dharma Service, I received a special gift from Mother Cheng, the mother of Venerable C, affectionately known as
在水陸法會期間的四月十八日,我收到一份特別的佛陀之禮,法師C的媽媽「成媽媽」成人之美,給人歡喜,再加上四位法師ABCD的溫暖相助,使佛陀從臺灣坐飛機,飄洋過海來到美國,與我結善緣。  事情還要從我二月份回到臺灣佛光山,因緣巧合的參加春節限定的「雲端吉印」活動說起— 20包與18印!一步一腳印 佛光
最近,我莫名地思索起「一成不變」這個成語,它的意思是「事物沒有太多改變,一直都一樣」。如果我們從字面上解釋,將「一成」理解為數學上的「一成」(百分之十),那麼還有九成是有可能會發生變化的,對吧?這九成究竟指的是什麼呢?  出於好奇心,我去查了「一成不變」這成語的出處,原來「一成」不是數學的「一成」
Recently, I've been pondering the idiom "一成不變" (yī chéng bù biàn). It means nothing much changes; always the same. If we interpret it literally......
常聽一些佛光人用「回家」形容回佛光山的心情,但我在2024年二月回到故鄉台灣,則完全是以觀光客的心態遊佛光山,甚至有些怯生生的,因為我對它真的不熟。   我為什麼在11天假期中,特別排上這「兩夜一天又多幾個小時」的佛光山行程呢?老實說,我也不知道,但心底又莫名篤定—「我應該去」!  
I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home.
On April 18, during the Water and Land Dharma Service, I received a special gift from Mother Cheng, the mother of Venerable C, affectionately known as
在水陸法會期間的四月十八日,我收到一份特別的佛陀之禮,法師C的媽媽「成媽媽」成人之美,給人歡喜,再加上四位法師ABCD的溫暖相助,使佛陀從臺灣坐飛機,飄洋過海來到美國,與我結善緣。  事情還要從我二月份回到臺灣佛光山,因緣巧合的參加春節限定的「雲端吉印」活動說起— 20包與18印!一步一腳印 佛光
最近,我莫名地思索起「一成不變」這個成語,它的意思是「事物沒有太多改變,一直都一樣」。如果我們從字面上解釋,將「一成」理解為數學上的「一成」(百分之十),那麼還有九成是有可能會發生變化的,對吧?這九成究竟指的是什麼呢?  出於好奇心,我去查了「一成不變」這成語的出處,原來「一成」不是數學的「一成」
Recently, I've been pondering the idiom "一成不變" (yī chéng bù biàn). It means nothing much changes; always the same. If we interpret it literally......
常聽一些佛光人用「回家」形容回佛光山的心情,但我在2024年二月回到故鄉台灣,則完全是以觀光客的心態遊佛光山,甚至有些怯生生的,因為我對它真的不熟。   我為什麼在11天假期中,特別排上這「兩夜一天又多幾個小時」的佛光山行程呢?老實說,我也不知道,但心底又莫名篤定—「我應該去」!  
I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home.
Google News 追蹤
此為西晉時期的經典,經中強調菩薩在娑婆世界行道的艱難和忍辱的重要性,佛陀透過講述前世恩德,解釋自己與文殊師利的師徒關係。最終鼓勵菩薩繼續修行,發無上道心。 原典│大正藏 經集部二 第15冊No. 629 全1卷 安公云元闕譯人今附西晉錄 (說明 : 以下粗體字為佛經原文,細體字為白話翻譯)
在一個靜謐的森林中,佛陀正坐在一棵大樹下,周圍聚集著一群虔誠的菩薩和弟子們。這天,陽光透過樹葉,灑在佛陀和菩薩們身上,仿佛給整個會場披上了一層金色的光輝。 其中一位菩薩,名叫文殊菩薩,他滿懷疑惑,向佛陀請教:「大悲的世尊,請您為我們這些菩薩和未來世代修行大乘法門的眾生,講解如何修行。您說如果眾
「菩薩五相」第二個叫做「愛語相」,菩薩能於一切佛法巧妙宣說。一切的佛法或深或淺視各類眾生的需求,用善巧方便宣說佛法。 宣說佛法跟做學問不一樣,有的人說:「佛法要讀佛學院才能弘揚。」讀佛學院很重要,沒有讀佛學院的成就者(解脫成就的)也很多,佛學院成就倒是有限。 因為一直把佛法當做學問的人,容易起
一週一次的佛學課來到了上士道 要發菩提心才能真正進入上士道 要發菩提心才是真正的佛子 要有圓滿的菩提心才能進一步學習密乘? 要有圓滿的菩提心才能成就佛道 顯教與密教的共道都是「發菩提心」 什麼是菩提心? 以前把菩提心想的很簡單 不就是慈悲心嗎? 每個人都有 為什麼還要特別策發?
20240121<< 地藏王菩薩 >>布施供養迴向 今天早晨,我的老師來了。 祂戴著藍色的薩迦法王帽、紅色上衣外有藍色龍袍、右手提著一個僧袋,也是藍色。 一整個藍。 我向師尊頂禮後:請問師尊有什麼指引? 祂:很多人在等你,不要讓他們等太久。 你可以回復平
此為西晉時期的經典,經中強調菩薩在娑婆世界行道的艱難和忍辱的重要性,佛陀透過講述前世恩德,解釋自己與文殊師利的師徒關係。最終鼓勵菩薩繼續修行,發無上道心。 原典│大正藏 經集部二 第15冊No. 629 全1卷 安公云元闕譯人今附西晉錄 (說明 : 以下粗體字為佛經原文,細體字為白話翻譯)
在一個靜謐的森林中,佛陀正坐在一棵大樹下,周圍聚集著一群虔誠的菩薩和弟子們。這天,陽光透過樹葉,灑在佛陀和菩薩們身上,仿佛給整個會場披上了一層金色的光輝。 其中一位菩薩,名叫文殊菩薩,他滿懷疑惑,向佛陀請教:「大悲的世尊,請您為我們這些菩薩和未來世代修行大乘法門的眾生,講解如何修行。您說如果眾
「菩薩五相」第二個叫做「愛語相」,菩薩能於一切佛法巧妙宣說。一切的佛法或深或淺視各類眾生的需求,用善巧方便宣說佛法。 宣說佛法跟做學問不一樣,有的人說:「佛法要讀佛學院才能弘揚。」讀佛學院很重要,沒有讀佛學院的成就者(解脫成就的)也很多,佛學院成就倒是有限。 因為一直把佛法當做學問的人,容易起
一週一次的佛學課來到了上士道 要發菩提心才能真正進入上士道 要發菩提心才是真正的佛子 要有圓滿的菩提心才能進一步學習密乘? 要有圓滿的菩提心才能成就佛道 顯教與密教的共道都是「發菩提心」 什麼是菩提心? 以前把菩提心想的很簡單 不就是慈悲心嗎? 每個人都有 為什麼還要特別策發?
20240121<< 地藏王菩薩 >>布施供養迴向 今天早晨,我的老師來了。 祂戴著藍色的薩迦法王帽、紅色上衣外有藍色龍袍、右手提著一個僧袋,也是藍色。 一整個藍。 我向師尊頂禮後:請問師尊有什麼指引? 祂:很多人在等你,不要讓他們等太久。 你可以回復平