Venerable Miao Huang Takes Me to See Plum Blossoms

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Recently, I've been pondering the idiom "一成不變" (yī chéng bù biàn). It means nothing much changes; always the same. If we interpret it literally, considering "一成" (yī chéng) as the mathematical "one-tenth" (ten percent), then isn't there still the possibility of the remaining nine-tenths to change? What exactly are these nine-tenths?

Out of curiosity, I looked up the origin of the idiom "一成不變" ( yī chéng bù biàn, unchanging ). It turns out that "一成" (yī chéng) doesn't refer to mathematical one-tenth but rather to the principle that once a punishment is decreed, even for minor offenses, it must be executed thoroughly without the possibility of pardon. Therefore, careful consideration and meticulous execution are necessary when facing such situations to prevent irreversible mistakes and harm. This idiom originates from the chapter "Wang Zhi" ("Institutions of the Great State") in the book "Li Ji" ("Record of Rituals") during the Warring States period in China.

An online article extends the idiom "一成不變" (unchanging) to introduce the concept of "定業一成不變" ("established karma remains unchanged"), highlighting the principle of cause and effect. Therefore, everyone should speak and act cautiously, employing wisdom to avoid the regret of creating an unchanging situation. This person is likely a wise Buddhist practitioner. In contrast, I find myself amusingly pondering between the "one-tenth and nine-tenths": what does the unchanging one-tenth represent? And what are the changing nine-tenths?

I don't have a clear answer yet. The only thing I can affirm at the moment is that the dynamics of change versus constancy are quite intriguing. For example, the saying "the only constant in life is change" negates the existence of "unchanging," and most people dislike the idea of "unchanging" as it implies boredom and lack of interest, summed up in one word: "tedious." What about you?

Whether established karma truly remains unchanged is a topic worthy of exploration. I also have something to say about it, but it is not the main theme of this article, so I will skip it for now.

I find it interesting that while most people dislike a life of unchanging routine, they hope that the feelings of their loved ones remain constant, even though they cannot guarantee that they themselves won't change.

"Unchanging" seems daunting to worldly people, or even outdated, as we are always seeking novelty and change! Whether voluntarily or not, this seems to be the trend of the times, doesn't it? However, for practitioners, amidst the ever-changing world, maintaining an unwavering heart is remarkably rare and valuable, consistent over decades. This is precisely why Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, admonishes us to "Never Forget One's Initial Aspiration," isn't it?

A while ago, I had a heartfelt conversation with Venerable Miao Huang, the Guiding Venerable of the volunteer group at Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, because I found many unchanging things tedious. Ven. Miao Huang, who always patiently guides me, said:

"I understand what you mean by ' tedious.' From being ordained, living at Fo Guang Shan monastery in Taiwan, and coming to Hsi Lai Temple in the USA for over 20 years in total, what I've experienced is that ' tedious ' represents a return from excitement to the mundane, ordinary, and plain. When everything becomes routine, that's when we must keep our enthusiasm and warmth alive. There's a key to this.

In fact, participating in similar or repetitive activities can still generate different feelings and insights, and foster different relationships. There's still 'fun' to be found in it.

In summary, 'The moon outside your window is ordinary, but with the presence of plum blossoms, it becomes extraordinary.' (From the poem “Cold Night” by Du Lei, Song Dynasty) Everyone must live out their own plum blossoms in their ordinary days!"

I believe "plum blossom" serves as both a metaphor and a key aspect. With plum blossoms in life, one can find contentment everywhere, right? What exactly is the plum blossom? Is it an unbreakable faith? Is the plum blossom the "clear, flowing water" that comes from its source? "Where else can the water be so clear, if not from the source itself?" (From the poem "Reflections While Reading" by Zhu Xi, Song Dynasty) Is the plum blossom the unchanging "one-tenth" I am seeking?

However, it seems like I'm searching for "plum blossoms" externally. Ven. Miao Huang says everyone must "live out" their plum blossoms with their lives. This is internal. So, is the plum blossom the "True Mind" or “Intrinsic Nature” that Ven. Miao Huang, who has been teaching the Shurangama Sutra for ten years, constantly emphasizes in class? The unwavering strength, full of power, always there, inherently complete? Am I looking outside when inherently, there's nothing to find? There's no need to search; it has always been there, as long as you can see it.

Thank you, Ven. Miao Huang, for taking me to see the plum blossoms, and I wish everyone can live out their own plum blossoms!

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常聽一些佛光人用「回家」形容回佛光山的心情,但我在2024年二月回到故鄉台灣,則完全是以觀光客的心態遊佛光山,甚至有些怯生生的,因為我對它真的不熟。   我為什麼在11天假期中,特別排上這「兩夜一天又多幾個小時」的佛光山行程呢?老實說,我也不知道,但心底又莫名篤定—「我應該去」!  
I often hear members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) describe their return to Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Taiwan as "returning home.
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Child, what is your name?  Although it's been two years, every time I recall this, it still brings a smile to my face.  I was volunteering at Fo Gua
雖然過了兩年,我每次想起這事情,還是會莞爾一笑。  我在佛光山西來寺當義工,某日吃午餐的時候,義工A聊起她11歲的兒子寫電郵給老師,送出後,朋友A發現兒子沒有在最後屬名,於是跟兒子說:「你要屬名您是誰啊!」  可愛的兒子立刻追加了一封電郵—  老師好!我是剛剛發電郵給您的某某某,我剛剛忘了屬名
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與其拼命預測不確定的事件,不如花時間理解恆常的行為。 一本看書名、作者、介紹就值得收藏的書,《一如既往》不斷提醒著我們,與其追逐隨時變動的事物,不如專注不隨時間變化的「恆常真理」。
不言長短,不計長久,一眼即永恆,一刻萬念去。 不論怨懟,抑是不覺,一言間,千百夢蝶舞。 長留於新,一刻封存,只一念,只當下。
俗話說,日久見人心。 但,日究竟要多久,才足以見證 一個人的真心? 三十年,夠不夠久?