2024-05-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 30 分鐘

口說練習 - Pets/Friends/Conversation

    TASK1 Pets

    Q1. Do you have any pets?

    No, I don’t have any pets right now, but I do enjoy spending time with animals whenever I get the chance.

    Q2. What animals are popular as pets in your country?

    In my country, dogs and cats are the most popular pets. People love them because they are loyal, affectionate, and great companions. They also help reduce stress and provide a sense of security.

    Q3. Do you think people should have pets? Why or why not?

    No, I don’t think everyone should have pets. Not everyone has the time, resources, or commitment needed to properly care for them, and it's important to consider the well-being of the animals.

    Q4. Is it true that the pet a person has can tell us something about that person?

    Yes, I believe so. For example, people with dogs might be more active and social, enjoying outdoor activities. Cat owners may appreciate a quieter, more independent lifestyle.

    TASK2 Friends

    Cue Card/Topic: Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.

    You should say

    • Who is this person?
    • How do you know him/her?
    • What does he/she like to talk about?

    And explain how you feel about this person.

    The most interesting thing was meeting my best friend, Yuan-Yuan. We've been friends since the 1st grade in elementary school, and we've always shared our life experiences. This friendship has lasted until now, and just yesterday we had lunch and chatted together. It's amazing because I don't have many best friends, but she's definitely one of them.

    Yuan-Yuan is a person who likes to talk a lot. I know her so well because we've grown up together, and we've been through so many stages of life side by side. She loves engaging in deep conversations and has a curiosity about the world. Yuan-Yuan likes to talk about a wide range of topics. She often discusses her latest hobbies, shares interesting news articles she’s read, and talks about her favorite TV shows and movies. She’s also very passionate about current events and enjoys giving her opinions on various matters, from politics to pop culture.

    I feel very positive about Yuan-Yuan. Although she talks a lot, she’s an excellent listener as well. She always makes sure to include me in the conversation and genuinely cares about my thoughts and feelings. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious. I admire her ability to communicate and express herself so freely. Yuan-Yuan's vibrant personality and our deep bond make our conversations enjoyable and meaningful. I am grateful to have such a lively, insightful, and caring friend in my life. Her presence enriches my life, and our friendship is something I deeply cherish.

    TASK3 Conversation

    Q1. In your opinion, what makes a conversation enjoyable?

    In my opinion, humor and positive energy is the two factors make the conversation more fun and memorable. If both parties are actively engaged,show genuine interest, and share common topics, the conversation will be enjoyable.

    Q2. Do you think there are situations where talking a lot is not appropriate?

    Yes, serious situations are not appropriate for talking a lot, such as formal meetings and quiet places like libraries. It's important to be respectful and considerate of others.

    Q3. How do you usually respond when someone talks a lot during a conversation?

    As an introverted person, I prefer to be a good listener. Therefore, smiling and nodding are my main responses. Due to my personality, the elderly often share their life experiences with me, and my friends always share their opinions. All I have to do is show empathy and provide comforting words.

    Q4. Do you think being a good listener is as important as being a good talker?

    Yes, being a good listener shows respect and understanding. Both input and output are important, just as listening and speaking are equally valuable in communication.

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